GO-5101M-PMCL-1 | GO-5101C-PMCL-1 | User Manual (Ver. 1.0)
Short ASCII Command List
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Transmit the Request Command to Camera
The status of camera's settings can be queried by transmitting NN?<CR><LF>, where NN is any valid
The camera will return the current setting data.
Send to camera: GA? <CR><LF>
Camera response: GA=0<CR><LF>
Switching baud rate between PC and camera
Camera always starts up with 9600bps. This can be switched to higher baud rates after a
communication has been established. When switching to other baud rate the procedure is as follows.
e.g. Change baud rate to 115200bps
1. Confirm baud rates camera supported
Send to camera: SBDRT? <CR><LF>
Camera response: SBDRT=31(0x1F)<CR><LF>
2. Request new baud rate 115200bps
Send to camera: CBDRT=16(0x10) <CR><LF>
Camera response: COMPLETE<CR><LF>
3. Rewrite new baud rate again with new baud rate (Confirmation command)
Send to camera: CBDRT=16(0x10) <CR><LF>
Camera response: COMPLETE<CR><LF>
In case the camera does not receive the confirming command with new baud rate within 250ms after
sending the acknowledge it falls back to the original baud rate (9600bps).