GO-5101M-PMCL-1 | GO-5101C-PMCL-1 | User Manual (Ver. 1.0)
Main Functions
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Detailed Settings for Gain Auto (Automatic Gain Level Control)
Gain Auto
is set to
, you can configure the conditions for automatic adjustment in
ALC Reference
Specify the target level for automatic gain control. (This setting is also used for automatic
exposure control.)
ALC Area Enable
Select whether to specify all areas as auto gain metering areas or whether to specify the
areas individually.
0 : Specify areas as auto gain metering areas (16 areas) individually.
1 : Specify all areas as auto gain metering areas.
ALC Area Selector
Individually select any of 16 areas for automatic gain metering. (This setting is also used
for automatic exposure control.)
- ALC Area Enable
to enable the metering area selected in
ALC Area Selector
, or select
to disable it.
AGC Max.
Specify the maximum value for the automatic gain control range.
AGC Min.
Specify the minimum value for the automatic gain control range.
AGC/ASC Control
Specify the reaction speed for automatic gain control. (This setting is also used for
automatic exposure control.)
Auto Gain Metering Areas (16 areas)