GO-5101M-PMCL-1 | GO-5101C-PMCL-1 | User Manual (Ver. 1.0)
Main Functions
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Acquisition Control (Image Acquisition Controls)
Related Setting Items:
Perform operations and configure settings related to image capture in Acquisition Control. On this
camera, acquisition control always operates in Continuous mode.
Changing the Frame Rate
When Trigger Mode is disabled, you can change the frame rate in Acquisition Frame Rate.
The shortest frame period varies depending on the ROI, pixel format, and binning mode
selected. The longest frame period is 0.125 Hz (8 sec.).
When Trigger Mode is enabled, the Acquisition Frame Rate setting is disabled.
Maximum Frame Rate Period Formula
The Frame Rate Calculator is available for download from the product page on the
JAI website (
During Continuous Operation ( Frame Start trigger is Off or Exposure Mode is Off )
Maximum frame rate of sensor:
FR_Cont = 1 / {H Period × ( 34)}
When the exposure time is longer than the frame interval
Maximum exposure time at maximum frame rate:
MaxExposureTime_TrOlrd = (1 / FR_Cont) - (14 × H Period)
Exposure time outside of frame interval:
NonOverlapExposureTime = ExposureTime - MaxExposureTime_TrOlrd
However, NonOverlapExposureTime calculation results that are 0 or below will be considered as