GO-5100MC-PGE | GO-5101MC-PGE | User Manual (Ver. 2.0)
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For the color model, Analog All (master gain), Digital Red (digital R gain), and DigitalBlue
(digital B gain) can be configured individually.
2. Set
The master gain (DigitalAll) can be set x1 (0dB) to x16 (+24dB) against the analog base
gain. The resolution for gain setting is x0.01/step which is 0.05dB to 0.08dB, depending on
the setting value. Values are configured by multipliers. For example, the values set for x1
and x16 are 100 and 1600 respectively.
For the color model, the Digital Red (digital R gain) and Digital Blue (digital B gain) can be
set to a value from x0.45 to x5.62 (–7 dB to +15 dB) the Digital All (master gain) value. The
resolution is set in 0.1 dB steps. Specify 0 for 0 dB, negative values for settings below 0,
and positive values for settings above 0.
Automatic Adjustment
1. Open
and set