JADAK flexpoint™ HS-‐‑1M User’s Manual
Page 13
RS-232 Default Settings
Use the command below to program the default RS-232 communication settings.
This programs the HS-1M hand scanner for an RS-232 interface at 115.200 baud, No
Parity, 8 Data bits and 1 stop bit.
The HS-1M
be power cycled after programming this interface!
RS-232 Baud Rate
By setting the correct Baud Rate, the data from the HS-1M will be sent to the terminal at
the specified rate.
The baud rate for RS-232 interface can be set by sending the serial command
232BAUD x
, where x is one of the allowed values of 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200, or by building & scanning a menu command barcode.
Several commonly used RS-232 Baud Rate menu command barcodes are included below
Please contact JADAK if assistance is needed. Default = 115200 Baud.
Setting examples:
2400 Baud
9600 Baud
19200 Baud
38400 Baud
57600 Baud
* 115200 Baud