Aircraft Service Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
J120, J160, J170, J200/J400, J230/J430, J250/J450 Variants
Dated: Nov 2011
Issued By: SW
Page: 75 of 233
Figure 42
– J160 Wing Assembly Sheet 3 (Ser XIV)
The J170 wing is a semi-cantilever, stressed-skin type with a main spar. The wing is a moulded
structure with a series of ribs that are bonded through the moulding process to the fibreglass skin,
fuel tanks and to the spar.
The forward wing attachment is an extension of the forward sub-spar. The rear attachment is an
extension of the rear sub-spar (also known as the wing attachment lug or fork). Both wing
attachments are contained in a reinforced Wing End Plug and bond to the wing skins. The Wing End
Plug distributes load from the attachments to the main spar. Both attachments are through stainless
steel threaded bushes bonded into the attachment blocks.
The wing internal structure is sealed and only needs to be accessed for repairs.
The installation of the control surfaces, control cables etc for the J170 wing uses the same parts,
materials and methods as the J160 detailed above. Therefore, for details of these aspects of the
wing assemblies, Refer to Figure 38 & Figure 39 for earlier aircraft and Figure 40, Figure 41 & Figure
42 for later variants.
Some J170 Variants are fitted with Friese ailerons. For these aircraft, refer to Figure 43 for details of
the aileron installation.
Some J170 Variants are limited to a MTOW of 450kg and are fitted with a different wing assembly.
For these aircraft, refer to Figure 44 and Figure 45 for details.
Refer to Section 7.3 for removal details.
7.4.3 REPAIR
All repairs must be referred to Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd or our approved local agent.