Aircraft Service Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
J120, J160, J170, J200/J400, J230/J430, J250/J450 Variants
Dated: Nov 2011
Issued By: SW
Page: 184 of 233
Figure 162
– Header Tank Installation – Type 2 (Sheet 2)
For aircraft with wing tanks ventilation is either provided by vented fuel caps
or by a “sharks fin” vent
fitted to the cabin roof.
Where vented caps are used, some models incorporate a check valve to prevent excess fuel leakage
when the aircraft is parked on an angle or flown out of balance.
For aircraft with wing tanks and a header tank, all three tanks are interconnected to ensure uniform
breather pressure and even feeding from all tanks.
For aircraft with a single fuel tank fitted behind the crew seats a single vent line is fitted to the
underside of the fuselage.
Vent lines can become blocked, resulting in fuel starvation of the engine. Also, the vent line, if
plugged, can result in pressure from expanding fuel pressurising the tank.
The following procedure may be used to check the vent lines for aircraft with wing tanks:
Have an assistant hold a rubber glove or balloon over the vent tube on one cap.
Blow into the cap vent on the other wing. If the balloon/glove inflates the breather lines between
the tanks are open and the tanks are cross-feeding.
Correct any blockage.