Aircraft Service Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
J120, J160, J170, J200/J400, J230/J430, J250/J450 Variants
Dated: Nov 2011
Issued By: SW
Page: 12 of 233
All maintenance should be undertaken with careful regard for the procedures outlined in this
manual. A detailed record of maintenance undertaken should be recorded in the Aircraft Log
Factory-built models must be maintained by an Authorised Person (LAME for CASA-registered
aircraft, refer to Operations Manual for owner-maintenance levels allowed for RA-Aus-registered
Factory-built Light Sport Aircraft have a Special Certificate of Airworthiness which remains in
force provided:
Only modifications and repairs approved by the manufacturer are incorporated on the
The aircraft complies with all safety directions issued by the manufacturer;
The aircraft has been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements;
The continuing airworthiness functions are performed by the manufacturer (or a person
appointed by CASA).
If the aircraft no longer complies with one or more of these conditions, the C of A becomes void.
Continued operation with an invalid C of A is a criminal offence. It is permissible, however, for
the registration holder of a non-compliant aircraft to apply for an Experimental Certificate.
For Experimental Category aircraft, builders remain able to conduct maintenance on aircraft for which
they are the registered builder. This area of regulations varies across different countries and operators
must ensure that they are complying with all local requirements.
In the interests of product development, we encourage owners to make suggestions related to design
improvements. However, the final decision on their adoption or otherwise rests with JABIRU AIRCRAFT
Pty Ltd.