KEM-Net Data Logging and Control Software
At the beginning of 2008, J-KEM implemented a redesign of it’s research grade temperature and vacuum
controllers. The redesign involved both the hardware running your controller and software for remote
control and data logging.
Hardware – The controller may look the same, but inside is our 3
generation microcontroller. This
controller is FLASH programmable and capable of downloading program modules(software) from
our web site at no charge. Several program modules are in development, but the most exciting is a
module that automatically reports exothermic reactions – even during the heating phase of a
reaction when an exotherm would normally be undetectable.
Software -
Your controller is equipped with a USB port to allow remote control and data logging.
J-KEM is currently developing a complementary software package, KEM-Net, that remotely
controls and data logs up to 16 controllers simultaneously. Until KEM-Net is available, J-KEM is
offering KEM-Log at no charge.
KEM-Log provides remote
control and data logging for
one J-KEM controller.
KEM-Log implements:
* Data logging directly
to Excel or a text file.
A 16-step
temperature ramp
that’s constructed in
an Excel-like table.
Easy entry of the
KEM-Log is free of charge. To load KEM-Log to your PC, follow these steps:
Enter this link in your web browser:
A popup window appears presenting the options of RUN, SAVE and CANCEL. Selecting the
SAVE option brings up a Save File Dialog window. Save the file kemnetzip.exe to your C
drive, then exit your web browser.
2. Kemnetzip.exe is a self-extracting zip file. Double click on its icon to expand it. Once
expanded, kemnetzip.exe creates a new folder on your C drive titled "JKEM" which contains
the KEM-Net Installation Project and copies of user's manuals and USB drivers.
Print the document titled PrintMe_Now.pdf for instruction on how to install the USB drivers
and the KEM-Net software.