EU-declaration of conformity
J.E. Stork Ventilatoren b.v.
P.O. Box 621
8000 AP Zwolle-NL
Commercial Register Zwolle 22293
Machine description
MX (models 10/10; 20/20; 30/10; 30/20)
EU-Type examination
- Number
- Not applicable
- Name of notified body
- Address
Conforms the following directives
: - Machinery Directive (98/37/EC)
- Low voltage Directive (73/23/EC)
- EMC Directive (89/336/EEC, 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC)
Conforms with harmonized standards
: - EN 292-1 (1991) “Safety of machinery”
- EN 292-2 (1991) “Safety of machinery”
- EN 414 (1992) “Safety of machinery”
- EN 60034-5 (1986) “Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating machinery”
- EN 60335-1 (1995) “Safety of household and similar electrical appliances”
- EN 50178 (1997) “Electronic equipment for use in power installations”
- EN 55014-1 (1997) “Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus. (Part 1: Emissions)”
- EN 55014-2 (1997) “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Immunity requirements for household, powertools and similar apparatus”
- EN 61000-3-2 (1995/A1:1998) “Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –Part 3: Limits; Section 2: Limits for harmonic current emissions”
- EN 61000-3-3 (1997) “limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current less than of equal to 16A”
Zwolle, October 20th, 2000
P.S.W. Jansen
Managing Director
J.E. Stork Ventilatoren b.v.
P.O. Box 621
8000 AP Zwolle-NL
Commercial Register Zwolle 22293
MX (Typen 10/10; 20/20; 30/10; 30/20)
: - nicht zutreffend
- Nummer
- Name Testinstitut
- Adresse
Entsprich den Vorschiften
: - Maschinenrichtlinie (98/37/EG)
- Niederspannungsvorschrift (73/23/EEG)
- EMC-Vorschrift (89/336/EEG, 92/31/EEG und 93/68/EEG)
Entsprich den harmonisierten Normen : -EN 292-1 (1991)
- EN 292-2 (1991)
- EN 414 (1992)
- EN 60034-5 (1986)
- EN 60335-1 (1995)
- EN 50178 (1997)
- EN 55014-1 (1997)
- EN 55014-2 (1997)
- EN 61000-3-2 (1995/A1:1998)
- EN 61000-3-3 (1997)
Zwolle, den 20. Oktober 2000
P.S.W. Jansen