The following conventions are used in this guide
The symbol leads you through nested menu items and/or dialog box options to a final action.
Logging Configure Logging Parameters
means “Select
Configure Logging Parameters
from the
pull down menu”.
Bold text is used for items you must select or click in the software.
It is also used for the field names used into the dialog box.
Text in this font denotes text or characters that you should enter from the keyboard, the proper
names of disk Drives, paths, directories, programs, functions, filenames and extensions.
Italic text is the result of an action in the procedures.
The ROVINS system is an Inertial Navigation System (INS). It delivers heading and attitude information as well as po-
sition and speed, to other systems or to display. It can receive data from other sensors to improve its accuracy. The
ROVINS system can also be used as a gyrocompass. The core of ROVINS is an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The IMU
is the assembly of three fiber optic gyroscopes (FOG) manufactured by IXSEA and three high precision pendulum-type
Apart from its IMU, ROVINS contains a self-consistent navigation algorithm based on Kalman Filtering. This structure
enables ROVINS to work either as a black box or to be connected to external sensor systems (GPS, Doppler Velocity Log,
Depth sensor, acoustic positioning systems …). In conjunction with external sensors, ROVINS Kalman filter exceeds by
several orders of magnitude the performances obtained with traditional navigation approaches
ROVINS is delivered with a powerful and easy-to-use WEB-Based User Interface, which allows a complete configuration.
You will find in the shipping case a Packing List detailing all the items delivered. This packing has been completed and
checked by IXSEA shortly before shipment, and should match the contents of the pack you have received.
However, we recommend that you check the contents of the pack and the equipment immediately on receipt of your
ROVINS unit. Specifically, you should check that all the items referred to above are present on delivery and that none has
sustained damage.
If you observe any non-conformity or damage, please inform the carrier and IXSEA without delay by certified mail, des-
cribing in detail the problem encountered.
This guide describes how to install ROVINS with a GPS, and the basic configurations required before beginning the
positioning. This is the basic installation. If you need to install additional external sensors, to define lever arms and/or
to enter installation biases, please refer to ROVINS User Guide. ROVINS being versatile, you have to define its configu-
ration to insure optimal operation.
In this installation, we assume that ROVINS is aligned with respect to the vessel reference frame.
This configuration includes:
Defining how ROVINS is installed on board (ROVINS orientation with respect to the vessel reference frame, ROVINS
and GPS lever arms)
The cable connections to other equipment (connection to the workstation, connection to the GPS)
The activation of the product license
The communication link, the serial or Ethernet link, the activation of the GPS , the pulse input for Time synchroniza-
tion System i.e., all settings to enter into ROVINS using the WEB-based User Interface