Find hereafter all the menus and options of the WEB-based User Interface and their uses
Menu /options
Used to …
Define the ROVINS orientation, possible
roll, pitch and heading misalignments,
primary and secondary lever arms useful
to compute the heave and position for the
output protocols that provide it
Define the couple (external sensor or UTC,
input link): the protocol used to input the
data, the serial (parity, baud rate, standard
(RS232 or RS422) and stop bit) or Ethernet
(transport layer, IP address, Port number)
parameters, and the external sensor para-
meters (lever arms, misalignments (for the
DVL), beacon selection (for the USBL)
Define the Time synchronization settings
(UTC): pulse input selection for the PPS si-
gnal, the protocol to use for the PPS signal
Menu /options
Used to …
Define the outputs: the protocol used to
output the data, the lever Arm to use, the
data rate or the input pulse to use to syn-
chronize the output data, the serial (parity,
baud rate, standard (RS232 or RS422) and
stop bit)or Ethernet (transport layer, IP ad-
dress, Port number) parameters, the pulse
output to output the envelop, the heave fil-
ter to use
Define the Network parameters for com-
munication through a serial link (PPP op-
tion) or through Ethernet one (DHCP client
mode activation, ROVINS IP address and
Network mask to use)
Enter the initial position, save it, update it
Choose the Zero Velocity mode
To be informed in case of warning or er-
ror for
UTC synchronization loss
Position sensor loss
Speed loss
To generate a warning when the heading
and/or the position standard devia
tion cross a defined threshold