Step 3 (cont.)
Option 2 - Connect PC to the Console Port
1. Connect a PC running terminal emulation software to the iBypass 40-10 Switch
Console port with the supplied RJ45-DB9 console cable. See Figure 6.
2. Launch the terminal emulation software, such as HyperTerminal or minicom,
and set the communication parameters to:
115200 baud
8 data bits
no flow control
no parity
1 stop bit
3. At the prompt, enter admin for the user and admin for the password.
4. Change the password for the admin account by entering the following
command at the prompt:
modify user password admin <new_passwd> <re-enter_passwd>
where <new_passwd> is the new password for the admin account and
<re-enter_passwd> is the new password entered again.
5. Go to Configure the IP section and follow the instructions to set a new IP
For more information about using the iBypass 40-10 Switch CLI, enter help to display
command information or see the iBypass 40-10 Switch User Guide for more details.