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7 April, 2011
IVEK Corp.
Go to the Dispense section ( or Meter section ( if the system has previously been primed. If not,
follow the instructions in the following section.
All Controller Modules are shipped from the factory set to Supervisor Level. Prime
Press the PRIME SCREEN push-button to enter Prime Mode.
Position the pump for priming (outlet above or even with the inlet) fill all reservoirs with liquid, and make sure all liquid
lines are connected and secure. To start priming press the START push-button, enter a RS232 command or supply a
trigger to the rear panel. The system cannot be initiated using the rear panel "CC TRIG" signal. The system will prime
based on the Direction, Volume and Rate settings. Pressing the STOP push-button can stop the priming any time. Dispense
Press the DISPENSE SCREEN push-button to enter Dispense Mode. If the DISPENSE SCREEN is not shown go to
SETUP A screen and change Production Mode to DISPENSE.
To start dispensing press the START button, enter a RS232 command or supply a trigger to the rear panel. The
system will dispense based on the Direction, Volume, Rate, Load Rate, Load Threashold and Drawback settings.
Pressing the STOP push-button can stop the dispensing any time.
When drawback is enabled, the Volume setting specifies the net fluid displaced, the actual forward motion is the sum
of the specified dispense volume and the drawback volume. The Drawback Rate during drawback and the Drawback
Dwell (time between the forward and reverse portions of the cycle) settings are shown on the Drawback screen. Dispense MCV
Press the DISPENSE SCREEN push-button to enter Dispense MCV Mode. If the DISPENSE SCREEN is not shown
or if the Dispense screen appears go to SETUP A screen and change Production Mode to DISPENSE MCV.
To start dispensing press the START button, enter a RS232 command or supply a trigger to the rear panel. The
system will dispense based on the Direction, Volume, Rate, Load Rate, MCV Conserve Fluid and Drawback settings.
Pressing the STOP push-button can stop the dispensing any time.
When drawback is enabled, the Volume setting specifies the net fluid displaced, the actual forward motion is the sum
of the specified dispense volume and the drawback volume. The Drawback Rate during drawback and the Drawback
Dwell (time between the forward and reverse portions of the cycle) settings are shown on the Drawback screen. Dispense Mult
Press the DISPENSE SCREEN push-button to enter Dispense Mult Mode. If the DISPENSE SCREEN is not shown or
if the Dispense screen appears go to SETUP A screen and change Production Mode to DISPENSE MULT.
To start dispensing press the START button, enter a RS232 command or supply a trigger to the rear panel. The
system will dispense based on the Direction, Volume, Rate and Load Rate. Pressing the STOP push-button can stop
the dispensing any time.