FG5000/FG10000 Flywheel Grinder
Copyright © 2018, by Irontite Products Inc.
All Rights Reserved Rev. 181102
After 30+ years of making our FG5000 and FG10000 machines we have noticed a few things that people call us
about. This section is meant to try and help should you be experiencing a problem.
Grinding Motor Self Feeds
An occasional complaint for both the FG 5000 and 10000 Model Flywheel Grinders is that while grinding, the
motor will "drop" or feed in on its own. There are four possible reasons for this behavior, from most common to
1. Feed Nut out of Adjustment - perform the split feed nut adjustment procedure. Make sure that the feed
screw threads are lubricated with the correct lubricant.
2. Worn Feed Screw - the feed screw thread may be worn. Check the condition of the thread and replace
if needed. If you replace the feed screw, its best practice to replace the nut and the key also.
3. Backlash at the Hand wheel - this is caused by a worn key or keyway at the hand wheel. Either the key
or the part with the area where the key fits into (keyway) will require replacement. Also the bear hug nut
that is a Ny-loc thread used on the power column units can rarely back off its adjustment. It will need to
be re-adjusted and Loctite added to help it retain the adjustment.
4. Burrs or Scores in the Guide Rods - the head of the adjustment bolt may be gouging or digging into the
guide rod which causes the column to hang up at the burr and then abruptly "drop". The burr should be
removed and if severe, the rod or rods will require replacement.
As always, if this information does not solve your problem you can call 800-553-5953 for assistance from Irontite
during normal business hours.
Flywheel Grinder is all stop condition
Symptom: Grinder was working fine and now nothing works. It's like someone unplugged the machine. In some
cases you can press on the breaker button and everything runs but as soon as you let go it all stops.
Possible Solution: If you are certain your main power is online, then it's most likely that the 7 amp glass fuse
(looks like an old automotive fuse) located almost dead center of your main circuit board has failed. Replace it
and all should work once again. This fuse exists on all FG model flywheel grinders in all the various power
configurations available.
If this doesn't fix the problem or if you have some motors that work while others don't, call for support at 800-553-
5953. Please be sure to have your correct model number and serial number when you call.
Can’t remove the E-Z Lok insert
Sometimes if the center threaded insert of your table has not
been changed in a long time it will become difficult to remove.
There a removal tool that came with your machine.
The E-Z Lok inserts are coated with Loctite Red which will
respond to heat. So if your insert is not coming out you can
use heat to help break it free.
The image on the right shows the table shaft with the table top
removed. (You normally do not need to remove the table top)
The insert removal tool is being inserted into an E-Z Lok insert
that is half way out so you can see the Loctite Red on it.
Table Lube Leaking From the Column
The easiest way to solve this issue is to add a valve in the line
to reduce the flow of oil. This has happened because the felt
strip in the column base has either separated or curled and
now is allowing too much lube into the column. Putting a valve
on allows you to slow or even deny the oil flow.
PN: 000-1563-68