FG5000/FG10000 Flywheel Grinder
Copyright © 2018, by Irontite Products Inc.
All Rights Reserved Rev. 181102
Figure 6
Figure 9
1. Unpack tool board and install the 2 - wooden pegs on the
bottom of the backside of the tool board. This sets the tool
board at a slight angle when mounted on machine. Install the
tool board on right side of machine using the 2 - 1/4" screws
provided. Next, screw the tool tray to the top of the tool board
using the 3 - screws provided (Figure 5).
2. Unpack the Standard Tooling, clean with an approved
commercial solvent, and place on the tool board.
3. Install the plastic handle in wheel dresser (Figure 6)
1. Remove the large flat head cap screw from the machine table
(Figure 7). Add approximately one quart Table Lubricant
(P/N: 794-8011-55)
to the reservoir through the filler hole
(Figure 8) and replace cap screw. Make certain the small O-
ring is in place on the underside of cap screw.
2. Remove the plastic oil container at the rear of the machine
from its base by turning counterclockwise (Figure 9). Invert
the container and fill with Table Lubricant
through the bottom tube. Quickly invert and re-install the oil
container, tighten hand tight only.
After installation, the oil level in the plastic container will start
to drop. The base of the oiler has been preset at the factory
to the proper height. When the oil level in the reservoir in the
base casting reaches the preset height the level in the plastic
container will stabilize. It may be necessary to refill the
container after level has stabilized.
: Avoid large air bubbles in
the tubing between the
plastic oil container and the
table. Tubing is located
under the deck casting.
Figure 5
Figure 8
Figure 7