8.2 Grusing
Coat all ground engaging components with rust
preventative after eadi use.
Grease the zerk on the coulter wheel hub (If
equipped) every fifty hours of operation. Use an SAE
muit.,1Xpose ilhium base grease.
1. Nways use a handheld grease gun for al greasing.
2 . Wipe grease zerks with a clean cloth before
greasing to avoid iniecting dirt and gril
Ai:,ply grease IX!til new g:re.ase can be seen coming
out of the joint.
Do not let excess grease oolect on or around parts.
particularty when operating in sandy areas.
Replace any broken grease zerk immediately.
6 . If any grease zerk will not take grease, remove
and clean
thoroughl'y. Also dean the lubricant
passageway. Replace the zerk if necessary
8.3 Ground Enoaging Compononts
GrolX!d engaging components are subject to abrasion
and wear. Wom components wil require replacement.
Always use new plow bolts
re.placing any ground
engaging component.
8.3.1 Plow Share Replacement
1. Remove the four 7/16 x 1-1/2"' plow bolts (three for
the 6112M),
2 . Install the replaoement plow share using new plow
8.3.2 Moldboard Replacement
1. Remove the five 7/16 x 1-1/2"' plow bolts (four for
the 6112"4).
2. Install the replacement moldboard using new plow
bolts. Be swe to attach the cross brace with the
rear plow bolt.
8.3.3 Skid Shoo Raplacement
1. Remove the two 7/16 x 1.112· plow bolts holding the
skid shoe to the landside.
2. Install the replacement skid shoe using new plow
6000 serlei MolllDOa:rd PI0'4'&