7. Ope.rate the moldboard plow only in conditions
where you have clear visibility in daylight or 'Mth
adequate artificial lightiig. Never operate the
moldboard plow in dafime:ss or foggy conditions
where you cannot deariy see at least 300 feet in
front and to the sides of the tractor and mok:lboard'
plow. Make .sure that you can cle.arty .see and
identify pa.s.sersby. steep slopes, ditches, drop.
offs, overhead obstructions, power lines, debris,
and fofeign objects
If you are unable to clearly
see these types of items, discontinue operating the
moldboard plow.
8. Do not ope.rate the. moldboard' plow, or drive the
tractor into material that i.s burning, or are.as that
reoentty burnt and may contain hoC spots, Tire
damage can occur when driving over hot material.
Oil and grease on the tractor and moldboard plow
could ignite. resultrlg in equipment destruction.
9. Begin plowing at a slow speed. then increase to a
speed that gives a clean furrow without tuggi"lg the
engine. Do not operate above 5 MPH,
10. When you get to the end of a pass, ra
se the
moklboard' plow before tuming. Do n� make turns
v.1iile the plow is in the ground
S.10 Detaching l=rom Tractor
1. Move the moldboard plow to a level storage location
and lower it to the ground or onto blocks. Pa� the
tractor. place the transmission in park or neutral,
and apply the parking brake. Shut down the engine,
and re.move the key be.fore exiting the tractor.
2. Make sure the mok:lboard plow is resting securely
on the ground or blocks before attemptrig to
disconnect it from the tractor.
Crush Hazard
� Keep fHt and hands from under the
moldboard plow and clear of any pinch
points caused by the tractor hitch arms and
moldboard plow hitch pins. Never operate the
hydraulic 3-point lift controls while someone is
directly behind the tractor.
3. Extend the tractor J.poi,t hitch top li"lk to remove
tension on the top link hitch pin. When the pin is
k>ose and easy to rotate, remove the pin from the
mok:lboard plow
Disconnect the lift arms.
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