– SSPM User Manual (Ver. 3.2)
All information contained herein is considered confidential
Circuit Boards / Internal Electronics
The IPS meter uses a variety of printed circuit boards and electronic sub-assemblies to
process data from inserted cards and to communicate a variety of information to the
motorists, parking operations staff, as well as the IPS management system.
The function of these boards is as follows:
1. Rear expiry LEDs
– for enforcement
2. Solar panel board
– primarily charges battery pack and drives rear-facing expiry
3. PCBA chassis
– holds all boards in place
4. Card reader sub-assembly
– houses the card reader for both magnetic strip and
smart card applications
6. Display board
– incorporates the LCD and front facing expiry indicator
7. Main board
– houses core processing and memory functionsThe circuit boards
are conformal coated to prevent fault due to exposure to moisture and dust.
Depending on the level of user knowledge and training, these boards can be
replaced as needed by the customer, or returned to IPS for repair/replacement.
Part Descriptions
1. Expiry Indicator
2. Solar Panel/Comm PCB
3. Chassis
4. Card Reader
5. UNC 2-
56 x ¼”
C’Sunk Phillips Screw
6. Display PCB
7. Main PCB