Display User Photo:
No Photo:
The device does not take photo as users verify.
Take Photo, no save:
Take photo, but not save photo as users verify.
Take photo and save:
Take and save photo as users verify.
Save on successful verification:
Take and save photo as users verify successfully.
Save on failed verification:
Take and save photo as users fail to verify.
Attendance Log Alert:
When remainder log capacity is less than the set value, the device will
prompt an alert message automatically. The valid value is 1~9999.
Cyclic Delete ATT Data:
When Attendance records reach to the maximum capacity, the amount to
delete attendance Data one time. The valid value is 1~999.
Confirm Screen Delay (s):
The delay to display the verification result, the value is 1~9.
Expiration Rule:
The choices for the function of the users
Expiration Rule Options:
The settings for the end of validity.
Fingerprint Parameters
In the initial interface, press
to enter the
1:1 Match Threshold:
Under 1:1 Verification Method, only when the similarity between the verifying
fingerprint and the user’s registered fingerprint is greater than this value can the verification
1:N Match Threshold:
Under 1:N Verification Method, only when the similarity between the
verifying fingerprint and all registered fingerprints is greater than this value can the verification