Configure jumper settings on the Zip ATAPI
drive as needed for your system.
The Zip ATAPI drive ships ready to install as the second drive on the IDE
connection (slave configuration). If the Zip ATAPI drive will be the only
drive connected to the IDE interface cable, change the jumper setting to
master (drive 0). If the computer is a Cable Select system, use the “Cable
Select” jumper setting.
Cable Select
Jumper block
Master (Drive 0)
Slave (Drive 1)
(Factory setting)
Slave (Drive 1)
Use the slave jumper setting if the Zip ATAPI drive will be one of two drives
connected to the IDE interface cable and the other drive is configured as a
master drive. If there is one drive connected to the cable before the Zip drive
is installed, it is probably configured as a master; however, some IDE drives
require a different jumper setting when two drives are connected. If you
encounter any problems, refer to the documentation that came with the
existing IDE drive for additional jumper setting information.
Note that many CD-ROM drives will not support a slave drive. If you
connect the Zip ATAPI drive to the same IDE interface cable as a CD-
ROM, you may need to configure the Zip ATAPI drive as the master and
the CD-ROM as the slave.
Master (Drive 0)
The Zip ATAPI drive should be configured as a master (drive 0) if it will be
the only drive connected to the IDE interface cable, or if there will be two
drives connected to the cable and the other drive is configured as a slave. A
Zip ATAPI drive which is configured as a master will support either a second
Zip ATAPI drive which is configured as a slave or an IDE hard drive or CD-
ROM which is configured as a slave.
Installation Guide