6. NEVER, under any circ u m s t a n c e s , u s e
this pro d u c t for any purpose other than that
s t ated in this m a nual. Inv i s i ble Fe n c e
s y s t e m s
a re designed for animal use only.
Features and Functions
Computer Collar receivers are water resistant,
microprocessor controlled units powered by a special
3v lithium Power Cap
An R series Computer Collar can be usedwith all
ICT700 series,Invisible Gate
, and IFA12 transmitters.
Computer Collar receivers are available with
Short, Long, or Short-Space receiver posts to fit dif-
ferent size dogs and work well with any type of coat
Computer Collar receivers can be fitted w i t h
shunts to reduce the correction level of the
re c e iver fo r small pets who are shy or timid.
R21 v3 Series Receivers
The R21 v3 Computer
Collar receivers have an
added feature. The v3 will
beep once when a Power
Cap battery is installed.
The beep indicates that the
microprocessor in the
receiver is working and that the Power Cap battery has
enough voltage to power the receiver.
The three small circular indentations, equidis-
tantly spaced around the outer edge of the base that
supports the center battery contact in the receiver,
indicate that the receiver is an R21 v3 series
Computer Collar.
Fitting the Computer Collar
To wo rk pro p e rly, the correction posts on the
Computer Collar receiver must touch your pet’s
skin. Posts are ava i l able in three diffe rent sizes to
e n s u re a proper fit for eve ry pet: s h o rt , 1/2 inch
(12.7mm); long, 3/4 inch(19mm); and short - s p a c e d
The re c e iver should be positioned undern e at h
your pet’s neck with the posts pointing up and the
top of the re c e iver pointing fo r wa rd, t owa rd yo u r
p e t ’s nose. Adjust the collar so it’s snug enough to
slide one fi n ger between a post and your pet’s
n e ck. Pe riodic adjustment of the Computer Collar
m ay be necessary as your pet’s coat , weight and
age ch a n ge.
Changing the Computer Collar Receiver’s
Power Cap Battery
The P ower Cap battery is a replace-
able 3v lithium battery with a unique
plastic screw cap. It is very important for
proper operation that the receiver always
has a good Power Cap
battery installed. On average,
the battery should be changed every 3 to 4 months.
Computer Collar
Receivers continued
Short, Long, and
Short-Space Receiver Posts
Make sure that the Computer Collar is snug
enough for the posts to touch your pet’s skin.
Be sure that you
can still work
a fingertip
between the skin
and the post.