tection device, Invisible Fence will repair or replace,
at our option, any transmitter, transmitter circuit
board, transformer, or lightning protector damaged by
an electrical surge for as long as the original owner
owns the system.
Before you connect the signal field wire, or con-
nect the transformer to the transmitter, you must
ground the system.
Refer to the instructions for “Grounding Outdoor
Invisible Fence
Pet Containment Systems with an
LP3000 Lightning Arrestor”,
in the “LP3000
Lightning Arrestor Installation & Grounding
Instructions Manual”.
IMPORTANT: During the grounding process,
make sure that the screw and the threads in the outlet
are clean. All foreign matter such as paint, corrosion,
grease, and dirt must be removed. There must be metal
to metal contact of the mating threads. Also, the under-
side of the screw head and ring terminal must be clean.
If the surfaces appear corroded, scrape, wire brush, or
sand each thoroughly, or replace them.
Connecting the Signal Field Wire
Fi rst connect the ICT 700 to the
LP3000 with a short length of twisted pair
To connect the twisted pair wire to the
ICT 700, strip about 1/4 inch(6.3mm) of
insulation off each of the four ends of the twisted wire.
Twist the exposed wire strands on each end of the
wires together to hold the strands together. You want to
make sure that a loose strand on one end of the wire
does not touch the other end of the wire, or or the other
opening in the wire connector, or any other component
on the transmitter’s circuit board.
Connect one end of the twisted pair wires to the
nal field wire forms one continuous circuit. The signal
field is created where two sides of the wire are sepa-
rated and is cancelled where two sides are kept close
together. If there is a break in the signal field wire, the
signal field will be lost and the system will cease to
Caution: Never install a system
or any equipment, or service any
equipment, during a thunder or electrical storm,
or when a thunder storm is near your area.
Planning the Installation
Install the transmitter in a dry indoor location,
near a grounded 110vAC electric outlet that offers
easy access to the outside. A garage or basement is
usually the best location. If you are not sure whether
your outlets are grounded or not, contact your electri-
cian. To fasten the transmitter on a wa l l , use 3/4
i n ch ( 1 9 m m ) , #8 or #10 pan-head sheet metal screw s
t h rough the four round holes in the base of the tra n s-
mitter case.
Grounding the System
All outdoor Invisible Fence pet containment sys-
tems are equipped with lightning surge protection,
which is designed to prevent dama ge to the transmit-
ter in the event of an electrical surge.
If the system is properly installed and grounded,
and is equipped with an Invisible Fence lightning pro-
ICT 700 system with an LP3000
and an Invisible Sentry system.
ICT 700 Installation continued
ICT 700 transmitter LP3000