A 10K-7K chan-
nel switch is located on
the left side of the top
of the ICT 700 circuit
board. Check to be sure
that the switch is set to the
same operating frequency as the
Computer Collar
receiver. Both must be set to the
same setting, either 10K or 7K.
There are two signal field adjustment knobs on
the ICT 700: the top knob is for coarse adjustment, and
is numbered 1 to 10, the bottom knob is a fine tune
adjustment, which is also numbered 1 to 10. Turning
these knobs clockwise increases the signal field. By
first setting the coarse adjustment and then using the
fine tune adjustment, you can set
the the signal field to the exact
width you want. For example, if
the coarse adjustment setting is
producing a 9 foot(2.7m) signal
field, the fine tune adjustment can
then be used to make the signal
field slightly narrower or wider by
a few inches
These adjustments do not change the correction
level of the receiver, they only change the width of the
signal field from the signal field loop wire.
You can ch e ck the width of the signal field by
holding a Computer Collar so that the receiver is par-
allel to the loop wire. Hold the collar so that the
receiver is at about the same height and on the same
angle that it will be when your pet is wearing it and
walk slowly toward the signal field loop wire. The
receiver will sound a warning when it is at the edge of
the signal field.
Note: A Computer Collar
receiver has a fail safe
mechanism. The receiver will go
through three complete cycles of
10 seconds on and 10 seconds off
and then shut down.
It will not reactivate until it is taken
completely out of the the signal
field, and is then brought
back into it.
An Inv i s i ble Fe n ce
Computer Collar
will not wo rk unless:
1. You train your pet as pre s c ribed in the
“I nv i s i ble Fence SafeDog
Training Manual”.
2 . The Computer Collar is wo rn snu g ly on yo u r
p e t ’s neck under the lower jaw.
3. The Computer Collar is adjusted so that the
receiver’s posts are touching your pet’s skin.
4. The Power Cap
b at t e ry in the C o m p u t e r
C o l l a r re c e iver is good and is corre c t ly installed, see
“Changing the Computer Collar Receiver’s Power
Cap Battery”, on page 7.
5. The transmitter is on, c o n n e c t e d to t h e
signal field wire, and producing a signal field along
the entire signal field wire.
6 . The signal field wire is intact and making a
complete circuit.
The following precautions should also be taken:
1. A lways take the Computer Collar off
your pet befo re you make any adjustment
to your Inv i s i ble Fence system.
2. Gra d u a l ly allow your pet to become accus-
tomed to its new Computer Collar. Ta ke off the
collar eve ry night during the fi rst month and peri-
o d i c a l ly there a f t e r. This will ensure proper fit and
avoid the possibility of any irritation that the posts
may cause to your pet’s skin.
3. Check the Computer Collar near your tele-
v ision set(s). Although the re c e iver has a decod-
ing circ u i t , some televisions may produce a
coded signal similar to the Inv i s i ble Fence signal
and may cause the re c e iver to activate when it is
close to a telev i s i o n .
4. DO NOT s e c u re the corre c t i o n
posts in the re c e iver with any
kind of glue or adhesive.
A LWAY S use the post
tightening tool to tighten
the re c e iver posts.
5. Check the tra n s m i t t e r p e ri o d i c a l ly to
m a ke sure that it is operating pro p e rly and pro-
ducing a signal fi e l d.
ICT 700 Installation continued
Computer Collar