User’s Manual
XC-RF850 Reader
2.7 Common scenario during commissioning
The section details the common scenario during commissioning, with special
focus on the general issues that appear during incorrect installation, and provides
solutions to these scenarios.
Main issues during commissioning:
Unresponsive reader
○ Power supply indicator status→ Check the power cable connection and
inspect the corresponding items under the indicator status inspection;
○ Network communication condition → Check if the connection IP is correct,
check also if IP address is in conflict;
○ Check serial port → check if the setting for port and the communication
rate of the application software correct;
Check if the setting for antenna signal is correct
Tag reading/writing error
○ Check if the reader configuration in the application software is correct;
Check if the reader and tag are compatible with one another;
Check the tag position whether the tag is located within the effective read-
ing range of the reader;
Check if there is any electromagnetic interference between the readers or
other devices;
Check if the tag requires access password and if the password is correct;
Check if the tag is damaged;
Unsatisfactory reading/writing range
The positioning of antenna installation;
Interferences from the surrounding.
2 Reader installation and commissioning