1. Introduction
In grey water recycling the contaminated water from shower, bath tub, hand basin and washing
machine is collected and processed for reuse in toilet flushing, garden watering, washing machines and
household cleaning purposes. The storage volume required for a grey water system is very small, as the
water accumulates daily, therefore grey water systems require little space.
The major benefit of grey water recycling: In many countries, customers are levied twice for municipal
water - once for the amount of mains water used and once for the amount sent down the waste pipe. By
installing an AQUALOOP grey water system and re-using your water again around the home, you save
twice as much on your municipal bills.
The AQUALOOP System is specially designed for grey water utilization in commercial applications.
Depending on the number of membrane cartridges connected, it can treat up to 1800 Litres of grey
water per day.
All AQUALOOP components make up the system and are installed by the client in a tank.
This manual describes the assembly, settings, start-up procedure and maintenance of the AQUALOOP
System including a troubleshooting guide.
Fig.: AQUALOOP System components