MicroVista Camera User Manual
Imaging Support: [email protected] http://www.mosir950.com 408-496-2019
AGC (Automatic Gain Control)
When AGC is on, the camera will automatically adjust the exposure to
compensate for changing light levels in the video field of view. The AGC algorithm
seeks an average brightness value for the entire frame. (The MicroVista
application does not have a manual gain control. Manual control of the sensor
gain is only available through the API programming interface.)
Enable Genlock (External Triggering)
This checkbox allows the user to synchronize the video output with an external
time reference. The genlock signal is the Camera Control 1 (CC1) of the
CameraLink standard. Because the MicroVista
camera uses the base
configuration, the pins are 9 and 22. The user must have a frame grabber that
allows input of external signals.
The Frame Sync input is active high and must last at least 5 pixel clock periods
(114 ns). Upon the falling edge of the Frame Sync input the camera will start
transmitting a new frame of video data after 1453 ±1 pixel periods or after 152 ±1
pixel period if H-FLIP is turned off. (The long delay is a consequence of a row
buffer that is required to flip the image horizontally.) The Frame Sync input can be
asynchronous to the Pixel Clock. For each frame sync pulse, the MicroVista
camera will send one frame.