Interroll Roller Conveyor SH 1110
Version 1.0 (06/2022) en
Translation of original operating instructions
Declaration of incorporation
UK Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008
The manufacturer
Interroll Trommelmotoren GmbH
Opelstr. 3
D - 41836 Hueckelhoven/Baal
represented in the UK by
Interroll Limited
Unit 1a, Orion Way Kettering, Northants
NN15 6NL
hereby declares that the "incomplete machine"
• Interroll Roller Conveyor SH1110
is an incomplete machine in the sense of the EC Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC), but
complies with the following requirements according to Annex I of this Directive:
1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.3.8, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.5.1, 1.5.2,
1.5.4, 1.5.5, 1.5.6, 1.5.8, 1.5.9, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.7.4
The specific technical documentation according to Annex VII B has been prepared and will be
submitted to the competent authority if required.
The commissioning of the incomplete machine is prohibited until the conformity of the overall
machine/system in which it is installed with the UK Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations
2008 has been declared.
Further applied guidelines and resulting UKCA marking:
• UK Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016
• UK Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic
Equipment Regulations 212
Applied harmonized standards:
• EN ISO 12100:2011-03
• EN 60204-1:2019-06
• EN IEC 63000:2019-05
• EN 619:2011-02
• EN 1672-1:2014-12
Other standards applied:
• EN 60034-1:2011-02
• EN 60034-11:2005-04
• EN IEC 60034-14:2019-04
• EN IEC 60034-5:2021-05
• EN 60034-6:1996-08
• EN 61984:2009-11
• EN 61800-1:2018:11