For the PAS1R peak and pole test, please enter the following. Do not enter until given
authorization to do so by the PanAmSat hub:-
cacsetcw -power -26 -freq 974.2 -time 12000
4. The transmission of the CW carrier will terminate after the Time has expired. To
immediately stop transmission of the CW signal, enter hw. This will reboot the
5. The RCST will restart acquisition and synchronization after entering the hardware
reset command, hw.
6. You may be required to re-send these commands again at a higher or lower power level if the
CW test is not at an acceptable level. InternetVSAT will instruct you to do this if required.
7. Once an adequate power level has been achieved, you will be asked to enter save t xx
(where -xx is the power level to be set on your box), then enter the hw command to reset the
If InternetVSAT / Hub are unable to see the carrier, please check that the CW commands you
have entered are correct for the network you are on, and if not enter the hw command and re-
enter the commands. Also verify that all of the installation and configuration steps above have
been checked and completed.
The SAT light in the terminal should start blinking after approximately 20 seconds. Leave the
terminal running in this state for 5 minutes.
After reboot all the lights in the front of the terminal will become solid for a second and the
satellite light will start blinking afterwards.
After a short while, the sat light on the terminal should lock solid, and you will acquire the
network IP address and subnet mask which you will have received from InternetVSAT prior to
The default address is only effective until the RCST becomes Transmit Acquired. Once
the RCST is TX Synced, it receives its Network IP Address from the NMS and the default
address is no longer valid. To re-establish the default address, remove the TX/Rx cables
from the back of the terminal, and it will automatically reset to default.