I N T E R F AC E M O D E L 9 8 4 0
MO D E L 9 8 4 0 P G 1 7
P U B .
6 0 3 2 - 0 1
>System Options
This menu contains some system wide parameters that are seldom changed. These
parameters pertain to how the Model 9840 reads and interprets data as well as how it
communicates with a connected computer via the USB or RS232 Serial port on the back.
>>Auto Identify
This allows you to turn automatic cell identification on or off. AutoID can be left in the
“On” state even if it is never used, without adversely affecting the Model 9840 normal
operation. In order to use this function you must either have an AutoID equipped cell
or use an in-line auto-id module attached to your cell cable. If the TEDS
is not
included or is turned off, a TEDS enabled sensor will be treated as if it was an AutoID
sensor. This is because they both contain an 8 byte Tag ID.
If the TEDS
is included and set to “On”, it will override Auto Identify when a
supported TEDS
sensor is attached!
>>AutoID Annunciator
This allows you to turn the AutoID Annunciator “t”, seen in the top right corner of the
four displays of the Run Mode screen, on or off. When on in conjunction with AutoID
the “t” will blink until an AutoID equipped cell is attached, at which point the “t” will go
Note: The TEDS
“T” annunciator will override the auto-ID annunciator for both its
blinking and solid states if TEDS
is enabled. If an AutoID is attached during this case
the blinking “T” will still turn to a solid “t” to indicate it as an AutoID and not a TEDS.
>>Auto Zero Channel
This menu lets you enable or disable auto zeroing for measurements on any channel.
When enabled, this function will tare the load or torque to zero any time that it has
remained within 10 counts of zero on the display for 10 seconds.
Note: The 10 count value follows the decimal point setting found in the Display sub-
menu. If a channel is set to 3 decimals the 10 count will be 0.010 (Units) similarly a
decimal setting of 4 will incur a count below 0.0010 (Units).
>>Com Address
This item allows you to set the address of this unit used for the Serial commands.
Valid values are 001 through 254.
>>Com Baudrate
This sets the baud rate for the RS232 ASCII command set. Available values are: 300,
600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2k, 38.4k, 57.6k, and 230.4k. If communications are
done over USB the baud rate is set automatically rendering this setting irrelevant.
>>Com Line Feed
This controls whether a line feed is added to each carriage return that is sent out by
the Model 9840 when the Serial commands are being used.