● Growing
Forward: 1 12 123 1234 12345 123456 1234567 12345678 | 1 12 123 etc...
Reverse: 8 87 876 8765 87654 876543 8765432 87654321 | 8 87 876 etc...
● Shrinking
Forward: 12345678 1234567 123456 12345 1234 123 12 1 | 12345678 etc...
Reverse: 87654321 8765432 876543 87654 8765 876 87 8 | 87654321 etc...
● Brownian
Generative: The sequence advances through stages in a pseudo-random pattern known as a
“drunken walk.” It has a 50% chance of moving forward, a 25% chance of staying on the same
stage, and a 25% chance of moving backward. This results in a sequence that generally trends
forward with some repetition (or backward if played in reverse).
Because every stage is pseudo-randomly selected, sequences do not cycle and do not
automatically reset.
● Shuffle
Generative: The playback order of the stages is randomized, and once all the stages (or pulses)
have played, then each subsequent pass through the sequence plays in that same order.
Pressing the
button (or sending a trigger to the
jack) resets the sequence —
creating a new shuffle, and thus a new repeating order of playback.
Note that
(which is like shuffling the order of a fixed number of cards in a deck) is
different from
(which is like a dice-roll, where the odds of the next number do not
depend on previous numbers).
● Random
Generative: Each stage choice is totally random. The choice of which stage to play next is made
each time a stage completes, and is selected from the pool of active stages (that is, the number
of stages set in the LENGTH screen, plus any Stage Offset applied).
For example, if you had a 3 stage sequence, the first stage to play could be 1, 2, or 3; the next
stage could be 1, 2 or 3; the next could be 1, 2 or 3; etc. Note that this is not the same as
playing the pool of stages in random order, since every stage has an equal chance of being the
next stage in the sequence, meaning stages can (and will) repeat.
Because every stage is randomly selected, sequences do not cycle and do not automatically
Metropolix Manual