S y m p t o m
Inadequate holding torque.
P o s s i b l e P r o b l e m
Incorrect current adjust setting or resistor value.
C o n t a c t i n g A p p l i c a t i o n S u p p o r t
In the event that you are unable to isolate the problem with your IB series
driver, the first action you should take is to contact the distributor from
whom you originally purchased your product or IMS Application Support
at 860-295-6102 or by fax at 860-295-6107. Be prepared to answer the
following questions:
What is the application?
In detail, how is the system configured?
What is the system environment? (Temperature, humidity,
exposure to chemical vapors, etc.).
What external equipment is the system interfaced to?
T h e I M S W e b S i t e
Another product support resource is the IMS website located at
. This site is updated monthly with tech tips, applications
and new product updates.
R e t u r n i n g Yo u r P r o d u c t t o I M S
If Application Support determines that your IB series drive needs to be
returned to the factory for repair or replacement, you will need to take the
following steps:
Obtain an RMA (Returned Material Authorization) number
and shipping instructions from Customer Service.
Fill out the “Reported Problem” field in detail on the RMA
form that Customer Service will fax you.
Enclose the product being returned, and the RMA form in
the box. Package product in its original container if
possible. If original packaging is unavailable ensure that the
product is enclosed in approved antistatic packing material.
Write the RMA number on the box.
Содержание IB S Series
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