Platform Management
Server Board S5500BC TPS
Intel order number: E42249-003
Revision 1.0
4.3 Console
The BIOS supports redirection of both video and keyboard via a serial link (serial port). When
console redirection is enabled, the local (host server) keyboard input and video output are
passed both to the local keyboard and video connections, and to the remote console through
the serial link. Keyboard inputs from both sources are considered valid and video is displayed to
both outputs.
As an option, the system can be operated without a host keyboard or monitor attached to the
system and run entirely via the remote console. Utilities that can be executed remotely include
the BIOS setup.
Serial Configuration Settings
For optimal configuration of Serial Over LAN (SOL) or EMP, see
Server System
Integrated Baseboard Management Controller Core External Product Specification
The BIOS does not require that the splash logo be turned off for console redirection to function.
The BIOS supports multiple consoles, some of which are in graphics mode and some in text
mode. The graphics consoles can display the logo and the text consoles receive the redirected
Console redirection normally ends at the beginning of the legacy OS boot (INT 19h). The
operating system is responsible for continuing the redirection from that point, unless the legacy
operating system redirection is selected through the BIOS setup.
Serial-over-LAN (SOL 2.0)
The BMC supports IPMI 2.0 SOL. IPMI 2.0 introduced a standard serial-over-LAN feature.
Activating a SOL session requires an existing IPMI-over-LAN session. If encryption is used, it
should be negotiated when the IOL session is established. SOL sessions are only supported on
serial port 1 (COM1).
SOL, EMP and Console Redirection Use Case Model
The IBMC’s integrated Super I/O is used for serial port sharing. SOL and Console Redirection
on the Serial B port are mutually exclusive features. At any moment of time, only one of them
works. SOL has the highest priority followed by Console Redirection.
Console Redirection is available via the Serial A or Serial B port.
Console Redirection on Serial A and Serial B are mutually exclusive features. The end user can
configure only one of them at any moment of time.
Case I:
Console Redirection is enabled on Serial B with Baud = 115200, Flow Control=CTS-RTS,
Terminal Type =VT100
SOL Not Active:
BIOS sends data on Serial B port with 115200 Baud, flow control CTS-
RTS enabled and emulates the terminal Type as VT100. In summary, the BIOS uses the
setup settings and performs Console Redirection on Serial B.