Install Linux Packages and Wind River Linux Host
Tools on the Host System
Put Runtime
Software on
Flash Drive
Build Runtime
on Host
Update SPI
Firmware on
Target Device
Install Runtime
on Target
Before you
Hardware /
Connect Target
Device to Host
Connect Target
Device to Host
Register Target
Install Linux
and Wind
Packages on
Host System
This chapter will guide you through installing the Wind River Host Tools software on
your Host System, and then verifying that all necessary Linux operating system
packages are installed on the Host System.
You must have internet access and a Wind River license to complete these steps. You
on page 27. Check your email
for the license information.
Installing the Wind River Host Tools
In this section, you will install the following:
Wind River Linux 5.0.1
Wind River Intelligent Device Platform XT 2.0
Wind River Workbench 3.3.5
If possible, begin these steps at the end of the day and in a location that can be
unattended, so you can allow the installation to run overnight.
To complete this section, you need the following:
The Installer file that you downloaded from the Intel Registration Center in
on page 27, step 10.
The license information included in the License email message from Wind River.
on page 36.
An internet connection for your Host System.
The download and install process can take several hours to complete depending on the
speed of your Internet connection. On an Intel
i5 second generation processor
with a 3 MB per second download speed, these steps will take approximately 2 hours.
At a 1 MB per second download speed, these steps will take approximately 4 hours.
Intel IoT Gateway Development Kit DK100 Series —Install Linux Packages and Wind River Linux
Host Tools on the Host System
IoT Gateway Development Kit DK100 Series
Getting Started Guide
April 2015
Order No.: 330307-007