1. DLG-1
The DLG-1 is a dual channel A/F display gauge with one integrated
wideband AFR (lambda) channel. Using the MTS digital input, the DLG-1 can
display the A/F channel of any one of Innovate Motorsports’ line of wideband
controllers. The gauge also has one configurable analog output for
integration with aftermarket ECU’s and 3
party data loggers. The following
section will help you get familiar with the DLG-1.
The DLG-1 has three different displays modes that can be cycled
through on the main screen with the left and right interface buttons. It
can be configured to display both A/F channels in equal focus or
either one of the two A/F channels in greater focus than the other.
Pressing either the left or right interface buttons will allow you to
cycle through the 3 different display modes.
From the main screen, pressing and HOLDING the left interface
button will put the gauge in setup mode. Once in setup mode,
pressing and HOLDING both interface buttons together will move
you to the menu or main screen. The gauge will revert back to the
main screen if no there have been no button presses for 15 seconds.
While on the main screen, press and HOLD both interface buttons to
sync the second A/F channel connected to the serial IN port.
Changing the DLG-1’s gauge face and/or bezel
Lay the DLG-1 face down and remove the three #2 phillips screws
from the outside rim of the back plate.