1. PSB-1
The PSB-1 is a wideband AFR (lambda) and Boost gauge with a
PowerSafe relay output. Using the PowerSafe functions, the PSB-1 can
interrupt a boost control solenoid based on programmed lean AFR and/or
max boost pressure values. Although it can function stand alone, it has
digital I/O for integration with other Innovate Motorsports MTS compatible
products and one configurable analog output for integration with aftermarket
ECU’s and 3
party data loggers. The following section will help you get
familiar with the PSB-1.
1. Channel
The PSB-1 has four different displays modes that can be cycled
through on the main screen with the left and right interface buttons. It
can be configured to display A/F or pressure as primary channels or
both A/F and pressure in both the primary and secondary channel
2. Status or Error display
The upper right hand viewport of the PSB-1 is reserved to display the
status of the relay or any error codes that might be present.
O2 error codes will supersede all other statuses.
In an O2 error state, all relay functions are automatically disabled.
3. Interface
Pressing either the left or right interface buttons will allow you to
cycle through the 5 different display modes.
From the main screen, pressing and HOLDING the left interface
button will put the gauge in setup mode. While in setup mode,
pressing and HOLDING both interface buttons together will move
you back to the main screen. The gauge will also revert back to the
main screen if no there have been no button presses for 15 seconds.