Installation manual
General Description
Single cabinet control panel
If the Previdia control panel is a single cabinet configuration, it will be possible to
install a second front panel module on the front panel, in addition to the FPMCPU
unit, a primary essential component for the proper functioning of the Previdia-
Ultra216, or the FPAMIAS unit for the Previdia-Vox control panel.
Positioned inside the cabinet is the interconnection bar, distribution of power and
the signals of the CAN DRIVE+, for housing up to 8 IFM and IFAM modules,
depending on the needs of the system.
2.3Multi-cabinet control panels
The capacity of the control panel can be expanded by affixing as many as 4 cabinets together.
The cabinets can be affixed together by securing the bottom of one cabinet to the top of another
by means of the supplied bolts. Once the cabinets are affixed to one another, all the CAN DRIVE+
bars must be connected together by means of the supplied BUS cable.
The number of housings available for front-plate and internal modules increases with the number of
cabinets installed.
A control panel with several cabinets can use several IFAMPSU power-supply modules or IFM24160,
mounted one in each of its cabinets, as long as they are of one model and not both models
together. In this way the control panel has a total current equal to the sum of the maximum currents
of the power-supply modules installed which automatically share the load current.
Control panels in a network
To increase the extension of the system with fire-fighting functions, it is possible
to network several Previdia control panels (Ultravox, Vox, Ultra, Max or Compact
up to a maximum of 48) in order to form a system of increased capacity (Hornet
+ network).
When connecting two or more control panels in a , it will be necessary
to install an IFMNET module inside each control panel. This module provides
two RS485 ports for the ring connection.
For further information regarding the method used for connecting control
panels in a network refer to the Previdia Networking Guide available at
Through IDANet network-connection technology, Previdia Ultra control panels
can be connected in a ring via a CAT5 ethernet cable (up to 100m) or optical fiber
(by means of an appropriate SFP module according to the type of fiber used).
The IDANet network allows the sharing of all the information with the various
control panels, which effectively makes it into a single system. In the case of
control panels with voice functions in IDANet network, they are capable of
sharing up to 20 audio tracks, thus allowing sound sources to be conveyed from
one node to another in the system.