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Security of your terminal
Upon receipt of your terminal you should check for signs of tampering of the equipment. It
is strongly advised that these checks are performed regularly after receipt. You should
check, for example: that the keypad is firmly in place; that there is no evidence of unusual
wires that have been connected to any ports on your terminal or associated equipment, the
chip card reader, or any other part of your terminal. Such checks would provide warning of
any unauthorised modifications to your terminal, and other suspicious behaviour of
individuals that have access to your terminal. Your terminal detects any “tampered state”.
In this state the terminal will repeatedly flash the message” Alert Irruption!” and further
use of the terminal will not be possible. If you observe the “Alert Irruption!” message, you
should contact the terminal helpdesk immediately.
You are strongly advised to ensure that privileged access to your terminal is only granted to
staff that have been independently verified as being trustworthy.
NEVER ask the customer to divulge their PIN Code. Customers should be advised to ensure
that they are not being overlooked when entering their PIN Code