1. Any product on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed.
2. Damage, deterioration or malfunction resulting from:
a. Accident, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature,
unauthorized product modification, or failure to follow instructions supplied with
the product.
b. Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by In Focus.
c. Damage to or loss of any programs, data or removable storage media.
d. Software or data loss occurring during repair or replacement.
e. Any damage of the product due to shipment.
f. Removal or installation of the product.
g. Causes external to the product, such as electric power fluctuations or failure.
h. Use of supplies or parts not meeting lnFocus specifications.
i. Normal wear and tear.
j. Failure of owner to perform periodic product maintenance as stated in User
k. Any other cause which does not relate to a product defect.
l. Damage caused by static (non-moving} images displayed for lengthy periods of
time (image burn-in}.
m. Any third-party software included with the product or installed by the customer.
n. Installation of any unauthorized hardware, accessories, consumable parts or
o. Damage to, or abuse of, the coating on the surface of the display through
inappropriate cleaning as described in product User Guide.
Submit your request to us on line: https://infocus.com/support/technical-support/or
call your local In Focus support hotline which can be found at: https://infocus.com/
support/contact-us/ Be sure to read our RMA instruction closely to ensure a smooth
and timely process of your report, these will be sent to you with the RMA confirmation.
Products presented for delivery at In Focus repair or logistics center without an
assigned RMA will be refused and returned to sender. Products delivered to In Focus
repair or logistics center damaged will be held and customer will be notified. It is the
responsibility of sender to file claims directly with their freight carrier company.