Infinity Chimp Series
Infinity Chimp Series
Alter Parameters using the Encoders
To be able to alter fixture parameter values, Ie. set Dimmer values, you first need to select some fixtures.
For example, in order to adjust the Dimmer level, select
from the side menu.
You may also press
at the same time to cycle through the available attribue
Fig. 93: Encoder Labels
To have the encoders control different features within the selected group (Ie. Gobo 3 and 4), simply press
the the appropriate button within the programmer’s menu bar.
Only attribute groups supported by the fixtures in the showfile are shown.
If you press on a Programmer Side Menu button repeatedly, the console cycles through the different sub-
attribute groups of the selected attribute group.
You may also press
[Infinity] [Open] [Preset]
at the same time to cycle through the available sub-
attribue groups.
Fig. 94: Attribute Selection