RTC settings
ProMove-mini is able to sample the Real Time Clock (RTC). The RTC is sampled as epoch time-
stamp (number of seconds since 01-01-1970). Note that the RTC is not synchronized between
nodes. The RTC of a node is synchronized to the PC time (±1s) when a node is detected by
Inertia Studio. Figure 31 shows the RTC Settings, with the following parameters:
: Enables sampling of the RTC.
External Triggered
: Sample the RTC when an IMA sample is taken.
Transmit Data & Log to Flash
: If RTC sampling is enabled, data is transmitted and logged to
flash when required (see Section 4.8.1 for global transmission settings and Section 4.4.1 to
start a flash log).
Sampling Rate (Hz)/(s)
: The sampling rate at which the RTC measurements are collected,
either for every sample (Hz), or at the provided interval in seconds.
Figure 31: RTC Settings
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