After connecting TachoReader Combo Plus to computer LEDs on the progress bar do
not blink and the device is not detected in the system.
Restart the computer.
If the above step does not help, to check the very device, connect it to another computer.
If the device is still not visible in the system, connect the device to the computer using a
different MINI USB cable.
If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer's
After connecting the TachoReader Combo Plus to the tachograph LEDs on the device do
not blink and data from tachograph are not downloaded
Switch the tachograph off and on, unplug and re-connect the device to the tachograph.
If the problem persists, check the device on another tachograph.
If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer's
TR Combo Plus cannot read the driver/workshop card
Make sure that you insert the card reader correctly into the slot.
Check if the card is read by another digital card reader.
If TachoReader Combo Plus is running on battery power, the reason may be discharged
batteries / accumulators (see:
Error codes -> Download from driver card/workshop card
topic for more).
If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer's