Imperx Inc.
Adapt-A-Link Manual
6421 Congress Ave.
Rev 1.0
Boca Raton, FL 33487
back and front views of the MLC. Table 22
describes the bit assignments for
e. Table 23 (a, b) describes the
in assignments for the 100 pin
bes the pin assignments
mera Link output connectors. Detailed views of the LVDS input and Camera
link output connectors are shown in Appendix 1.
2.9 MLC – LVDS to Medium Camera Link Converter
MLC is designed to interface any high-resolution digital LVDS camera to any standard Camera
Link frame grabber. It converts the standard LVDS (RS644) interface signals to a standard
Medium configuration Camera Link output interface – Figure 18. MLC supports 48 data signals,
4 control signals, 8 enable signals, 2 clock signals, and one RS232 serial interface. The
maximum data clock is 66 MHz. Figure 19 shows
Medium Camera Link interfac
input connectors. Table 24 (a, b) descri
for the 26 pin Ca
Figure 18. MLC Connectivity.
Figure 19. MLC front (top) and back (bottom
) vi