Immergas MYTHOS HP Скачать руководство пользователя страница 22





















Key (Fig. 13):

1  -  Vertical terminal kit for direct exhaust

2  -  Intake cover kit



The cover kit includes (Fig. 15):

No.1 Thermoformed cover

No.1 Gasket clamping plate

No.1 Gasket

No.1 Gasket tightening clip

The terminal kit includes (Fig. 15):

No.1 Gasket

No.1 Exhaust flange Ø 80

No.1 90° bend Ø 80

No.1 Exhaust pipe Ø 80

No.1 Wall sealing plate

Содержание MYTHOS HP

Страница 1: ...Instructionsandrecommendations Installer User Maintenancetechnician 1 045009ENG 1 045009ENG IE MYTHOSHP ...

Страница 2: ...2 ...

Страница 3: ...its available on request 35 1 29 Main components 36 2 Instructions for use and maintenance 37 2 1 General recommendations 37 2 2 Cleaning and maintenance 39 2 3 Control panel 39 2 4 Boiler use 40 2 5 Fault and anomaly signals 41 2 6 Information menu 43 2 7 Resetting the anomaly history 43 2 8 Boiler switch off 44 2 9 Restore central heating system pressure 44 2 10 Draining the system 44 2 11 Empty...

Страница 4: ...ledmaintenancepleasecontactAuthorisedAfter Salescentres theyhaveoriginalsparepartsandarespecifi callytrainedbythemanufacturer ThecompanyIMMERGASS p A withregisteredofficeinviaCisaLigure9542041Brescello RE declaresthatthedesign manufactu ringandafter salesassistanceprocessescomplywiththerequirementsofstandardUNIENISO9001 2015 ForfurtherdetailsontheproductCEmarking requestacopyoftheDeclarationofConf...

Страница 5: ...h the product carefully to ensure properinstallation ThisinstructionsmanualprovidestechnicalinformationforinstallingImmergasproducts Asfortheotherissuesrelatedto the installation of products e g safety at the workplace environmental protection accident prevention it is necessary to complywiththeprovisionsofthestandardsinforceandtheprinciplesofgoodpractice AllImmergasproductsareprotectedwithsuitabl...

Страница 6: ...GS Strictlyfollowalloftheindicationsnexttothepictogram Failuretofollowtheindicationscangeneratehazardsituations resultinginpossibleminorinjuriestothehealthofboththeoperatorandtheuseringeneral and orslightmaterialdamage ATTENTION Read and understand the instructions of the appliance before carrying out any operation carefully following the in structionsgiven Failuretoobservetheinstructionsmayresult...

Страница 7: ...y varying the type of installation the classification of theboileralsovaries precisely Type B22 or B52 boiler if installed using the relevant terminalforairintakedirectlyfromtheroominwhi chtheboilerhasbeeninstalled Type C boiler if installed using concentric pipes or othertypesofpipesenvisionedforthesealedchamber boilerforintakeofairandexpulsionoffluegas Only professionally enabled companies are a...

Страница 8: ...otherthanthoseindicated astatictestmustbecarried outtoensureadequatesupport Theseboilersareusedtoheatwatertobelowboilingtem peratureinatmosphericpressure Theymustbeconnectedtoacentralheatingsystemand domestic hot water circuit suited to their performance andcapacity Risk of damage due to corrosion caused by unsuitable combustionairandenvironment Spray solvents chlorine based detergents paints glue...

Страница 9: ...y be dama gingforthecomponentsoftheappliance andjeopardisefunctioning InconfigurationB22andB52 unlesslo cal regulations are in force boilers must not be installed in bedrooms bathro oms toiletsorstudios Theymustneither be installed in rooms containing solid fuel heat generators nor in rooms com municatingwithsaidrooms The installation rooms must be perma nentlyventilated incompliancewiththe local ...

Страница 10: ...C Condensate drain minimum internal diameter Ø13mm AC Domestichotwateroutlet G Gassupply AF Domestichotwaterinlet R Systemreturn Height mm Width mm Depth mm 786 440 240 CONNECTIONS GAS DOMESTICHOT WATER SYSTEM G AC AF R M 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 1 3 MINIMUMINSTALLATIONDISTANCES 3 Key Fig 3 A 450mm B 350mm C 30mm D 30mm E 350mm ...

Страница 11: ...s ifthemixturesarepreparedperfectly An aqueous solution must be made with potential pollution classofwater2 EN1717 2002orlocalstandardsinforce For life and possible disposal follow the supplier sinstructions Minimumtemperature 15 C Protectthedomestichotwatercircuitagainstfreezingbyusing anaccessorythatissuppliedonrequest antifreezekit compri sing two electric heating elements the relevant wiring a...

Страница 12: ...2 4 1 4 5 1 6 BOILERCONNECTIONGROUP OPTIONAL The connection unit consisting of all the necessary parts to per form the hydraulic and gas system connections of the appliance comesasoptionalkit performtheconnectionsbasedonthetype ofinstallationtobemadeandaccordingtothelayoutshowninthe figure Fig 6 V AF AC G SC 1 R 2 M 3 6 Key V Electricconnection G Gassupply AC Domestichotwateroutlet AF Domestichotw...

Страница 13: ... each connection between the appliance and the gas system This cock if suppliedbytheappliance smanufacturer canbedirect lyconnectedtotheappliance i e downstreamfromthe pipesconnectingthesystemtotheappliance according tothemanufacturer sinstructions The Immergas connection unit supplied as an optional kit also includes the gas cock whose installation in structionsareprovidedinthekit Inanycase makes...

Страница 14: ...ional and local regulations on discharging wastewaters In the event condensate is not discharged into the wastewater drainage system a condensate neutraliser must be installed to ensurecompliancewiththeparametersestablishedbythelegisla tioninforce A treatment of the heating and water system water is required in compliancewiththetechnicalstandardsinforce inordertopro tectthesystemandtheappliancefro...

Страница 15: ...mum absorbed power specifications as shown on the boiler data nameplate The boilers are supplied complete with a Y type H 05 VVF 3 x 0 75 mm2powersupplycable withoutplug The power supply cable must be con nectedtoa230V 10 50Hzmainssup ply respecting L N polarity and earth connection this network must also have amulti polecircuitbreakerwithclassIII overvoltagecategoryincompliancewith installationre...

Страница 16: ...withtheopportunitytoeasilyinterveneonthepreviouslyset parameters withouthavingtogotowheretheapplianceisinstal led The panel is provided with self diagnosis to display any boiler functioninganomalies Theclimatechrono thermostatincorporatedintotheremotepa nel enables the system flow temperature to be adjusted to the actualneedsoftheroombeingheated inordertoobtainthedesi redroomtemperaturewithextreme...

Страница 17: ...there lativeResistanceFactors All boilers have an experimentally obtainable maximum Resi stanceFactorequalto100 ThemaximumResistanceFactorallowedcorrespondstotheresi stance encountered with the maximum allowed pipe length for eachtypeofTerminalKit Thisinformationallowscalculationstobemadetoverifythepos sibilityofsettingupvariousflueconfigurations To dimension the flue ducting using commercial com ...

Страница 18: ...ef 1 From0 35to0 5 Ø77 ref 2 From0 5to1 5 Without From1 5to3 Diaphragm PipeextensioninmetresØ 60 100vertical Ø80 Ref 1 From0 35to1 8 Ø77 ref 2 From1 8to2 8 Without From2 8to4 3 Diaphragm PipeextensioninmetresØ 80 125horizontal Ø80 Ref 1 From0 35to4 2 Ø77 ref 2 from4 2to6 9 Without From6 9to11 6 Diaphragm PipeextensioninmetresØ 80 125vertical Ø80 Ref 1 From0 35to8 5 Ø77 ref 2 From8 5to11 3 Without ...

Страница 19: ...r R Equivalent length inmofconcentric pipeØ80 125 Concentricpipe80 125Øm1 5 9 1 90 concentricbend80 125Ø 8 4 1 4 Concentricbend45 Ø80 125 5 9 1 Terminalcompletewithconcentrichorizontalintake exhaust Ø 80 125 7 8 1 3 Terminalcompletewithconcentricverticalintake exhaust Ø 80 125 10 1 1 7 90 concentricbendØ80 125withinspection 9 5 1 6 StubpipewithinspectionØ80 125 9 5 1 6 ...

Страница 20: ...haust terminalØ 60 100 Intakem 28 m 1 5 Intakem 11 5 m 4 7 Exhaustm 28 Exhaustm 8 3 Terminalcomplete withconcentric verticalinta ke exhaustØ 60 100 Intakem 45 6 m 2 5 Intakem 18 7 m 7 7 Exhaustm 45 6 Exhaustm 13 6 Concentricvertical intake exhaust terminalØ 60 100 Intakem 25 2 m 1 4 Intakem 10 3 m 4 3 Exhaustm 25 2 Exhaustm 7 5 PipeØ 80m 1 Intakem 2 4 m 0 1 Intakem 1 m 0 4 Exhaustm 3 4 m 0 2 Exhau...

Страница 21: ... and the diaphragm on the right holeandtightenbymeansofthescrewsprovided Installtheuppercover fixingitusingthe4screwspresentinthe kit positioningtherelevantgaskets Engagethe90 Ø80bendwiththemaleend smooth inthefe male end with lip seal of the Ø 80 flange unit to the end stop Introducethegasket makingitrunalongthebend Fixitusing themetalsheetplateandtightenbymeansoftheclipspresentin thekit makingsu...

Страница 22: ...ticalterminalkitfordirectexhaust 2 Intakecoverkit 14 15 Thecoverkitincludes Fig 15 No 1Thermoformedcover No 1Gasketclampingplate No 1Gasket No 1Gaskettighteningclip Theterminalkitincludes Fig 15 No 1Gasket No 1ExhaustflangeØ80 No 190 bendØ80 No 1ExhaustpipeØ80 No 1Wallsealingplate ...

Страница 23: ...ation Fig 16 1 Install the discharge flange on the central hole of the boiler positioning the relative gasket with the circular projections downwardsincontactwiththeboilerflange andtightenusing thehexscrewswithflattipcontainedinthekit 2 Remove the flat flange present in the lateral hole with respect to the central one according to needs and replace it with the intakeflange positioningitsgasketalre...

Страница 24: ...ledcorrectlyensuringthat the high indication present on the terminal is respected on in stallation Mounting the horizontal intake exhaust kit Ø 60 100 Fig 18 1 Installthebendwithflange 2 onthecentralholeoftheboiler positioning gasket 1 with the circular projections downwardsincontactwiththeboilerflange andtightenusing thescrewspresentinthekit 2 Fit the Ø 60 100 3 concentric terminal pipe with the ...

Страница 25: ...ptotheendstop makingsurethattheinternal 6 andexter nalwallsealingplates 7 havebeenfitted thiswillensuresea lingandjoiningoftheelementsmakingupthekit C12 1 2 3 4 5 6 20 Theadapterkitincludes Fig 20 No 1Gasket 1 No 1AdapterØ 80 125 2 TheKitØ80 125includes Fig 20 No 1ConcentricbendØ 80 125at87 3 No 1Int exhaustconcentricterminalØ 80 125 4 No 1Internalwallsealingplate 5 No 1Externalwallsealingplate 6 ...

Страница 26: 4 shaping it to ensurethatrainwaterrunsoff 4 Positionthefixedhalf shell 6 onthealuminiumtile 5 Inserttheintake exhaustpipe 5 6 Fit the Ø 60 100 concentric terminal pipe with the male side 5 smooth intotheflange 2 uptotheendstop makingsure that the wall sealing plate has been fitted 3 this will ensure sealingandjoiningoftheelementsmakingupthekit When the boiler is installed in areas where very c...

Страница 27: ...ntric terminal pipe with the male side smooth tothefemalesideoftheadapter 1 withlipseals up to the end stop making sure that the wall sealing plate 3 has beenfitted thiswillensuresealingandjoiningoftheelements makingupthekit C32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 24 Theadapterkitincludes Fig 24 No 1Gasket 1 No 1AdapterØ 80 125 2 TheKitØ 80 125includes Fig 24 No 1Wallsealingplate 3 No 1Aluminiumtile 4 No 1Fixedhalf she...

Страница 28: ...ith the flange 3 posi tioningthegasket 2 alreadypresentintheboiler 4 Tightenwiththesuppliedself tappingscrewswithdrillbit 5 Fit the bends with male side smooth 5 in the female side of theflanges 3and4 6 Fit the intake terminal 6 with the male side smooth in the femalesideofthebend 5 uptotheendstop ensuringthatthe internalandexternalwallsealingplatesarefitted 7 Fit the exhaust pipe 9 with the male ...

Страница 29: ... before assembly check the gaskets areintherightposition Intheeventcomponentlubrication alreadycarriedout by the manufacturer is not sufficient remove the resi dual lubricant using a dry cloth then to ease fitting coat thepartswithcommonorindustrialtalc Tofavourtheremovalofpossiblecondensateformingin the exhaust pipe tilt the pipes towards the boiler with a minimumslopeof1 5 Fig 28 1 Mount the com...

Страница 30: ...g 30 No 1Ductingkitdoor A Technicaldata Thedimensionsoftheshaftsmustensureaminimumgapbetwe entheouterwallofthesmokeductandtheinnerwalloftheshaft 30 mm for circular section shafts and 20 mm in the event of a squaresectionshaft Fig 29 Maximum 2 changes of direction are allowed on the vertical sectionofthefluesystemwithamaximumclearanceangleof30 withrespecttothevertical The maximum vertical extension...

Страница 31: ...withinthestandardrangeofdailyvariation etc Installation and maintenance must be performed according to theindicationssuppliedbythemanufacturerincludedwiththe green range ducting system chosen and in compliance with theregulationsinforce The maximum length specified by the manufacturer must be respected inthisregard it is used in average atmospheric and environmental condi tions accordingtocurrentr...

Страница 32: ...inalheatinputsthatdonotdifferbymorethan30 less withrespecttothemaximumthatcanbeattachedandpoweredby thesamefuel Chimney or flue sections for connection of the flue exhaust pipe mustcomplywithrequisitesoftechnicalstandardsinforce ItispossibletoreplaceatypeCconventionaldevicewithonepro vided with condensation only if the derogation conditions establishedbytheregulationsinforcehavebeenverified 1 22 F...

Страница 33: ...rompipelines ensure the internal system is properly sealed according to the specificationssetforthbytechnicalregulationsinforce 1 26 BOILERSTART UP IGNITION To commission the boiler the operations listed below must only be performed by qualified personnel and in the presence of staff only 1 check that the internal system is properly sealed according to thespecificationssetforthbyregulationsinforce...

Страница 34: ... thecirculatorisblocked adjust thescrewinthecentreoftheheadinordertomanuallyreleasethe motorshaft Take great care during this operation to avoid damage to the mo tor BypassAdjustment Parag 1 29 Theboilerleavesthefactorywiththebypassopen Ifnecessary theby passcanberegulatedtosystemrequirements fromminimum by passclosed tomaximum by passopen Adjustusingaflatheadscrewdriver turnclockwiseandopenthe by...

Страница 35: spectionablefilter Polyphosphate dispenser kit on request The polyphosphate dispenserreducestheformationoflime scaleandpreservesthe originalheatexchangeanddomestichotwaterproductioncon ditions The boiler is prepared for application of the polypho sphatedispenserkit This is a type of chemical conditioning treatment for domestic hot water if provided for by current regula tions Cycloidal filter k...

Страница 36: absolute 8 Boilerpump 9 D H W flowswitch 10 DHWprobe 11 Gasvalve 12 Condensatedraintrap 13 Systemfillingvalve 14 Positivesignalpressurepoint 15 Negativesignalpressurepoint 16 Fluepressureswitch 17 Thermofuse 18 Condensingheatexchanger 19 Primaryheatexchanger 20 Systemexpansionvessel 21 Burner 22 Safetythermostat 23 Airventvalve 24 DHWheatexchanger 25 Motorized3 wayvalve 26 Systemdrainingfitting...

Страница 37: ...herdevices Never clean the appliance or connected partswitheasilyflammablesubstances Never leave containers or flammable substances in the same environment as theappliance Donotopenortamperwiththeappliance Donottakeapartortamperwiththeintakeandexhaust pipes Only use the user interface devices listed in this section ofthebooklet Donotclimbontheappliance donotuse theapplianceasasupportbase The use o...

Страница 38: ...ut must be removed by a pro fessionally authorised company as requiredbycurrentlegislation Contact the manufacturer for disposal instructions Ifyousmellgasinthebuilding closethegasmeterinterceptiondevice orthemaininterceptiondevice if possible close the gas interception cockontheproduct if possible open doors and windows wideandcreateanaircurrent do not use open flames e g lighters matches donotsm...

Страница 39: ...annualcheckandmainte nance of the appliance in compliance with the prevai lingnational regionalorlocalprovisions 2 3 CONTROLPANEL 36 Key Fig 36 1 ResetButton 2 Stand by Summer Winterbutton 3 Key usedtoincreasetheDHWtemperature 4 Key usedtodecreasetheDHWtemperature 5 Key toincreasethesystemwatertemperature 6 Key toreducethesystemwatertemperature 7 Boilermanometer 8 Domestichotwaterfunction 9 Temper...

Страница 40: ...nerignites therelativeflamesymbol isdi splayed Operation with Comando Amico RemotoV2 CARV2 optio nal If the CARV2 is connected the boiler regulation parameters can besetviatheCARV2controlpanelandthe buttonremains activeontheboilercontrolpanel the and buttonsforDHW andcentralheatingasSetInforequestedremotelyandthedisplay wherethefunctioningstateisshown Solaroperatingmode By selecting this function ...

Страница 41: ...mpressureisbetween 1 1 2barandrestorethecorrect pressureifnecessary 1 11 Fluepressureswitch anomaly fan This occurs in case of a fault in the flue pressure switch electric contact open or the fan N B The flue pressure switchcontactischeckedonlywhentheburnerisignited Ifnormalconditionsarerestoredthe boilerrestartswithouthavingtobe reset 1 16 Fanfailure fluegas pressureswitch It occurs in the event ...

Страница 42: ...ilerdoesnothavetobereset Ifnormalconditionsarerestoredthe boilerrestartswithouthavingtobe reset 1 43 Blockduetolossof flamesignal Thisoccursifthe Flamesignalloss erroroccursmanyti mesinarowwithinapresetperiod 38 PresstheResetbutton before restarting theboilerwillruna post ventilationcycle 1 44 Blockforexceeding gasvalvefrequent maximumopening time This occurs if the gas valve remains open for long...

Страница 43: ...amesignal d0 2 Displaystheprimaryexchangeroutputinstantheatingflowtemperature flowprobe d0 3 DisplaystheinstantoutputtemperaturefromtheDHWexchanger d0 4 Displaysthefanoperatingspeed rpmx100 d0 5 Displaystheoperatinginstantaneouspower valuein d0 6 Displaysthetemperaturesetforthecentralheatingset ifremotecontrolispresent d0 7 DisplaysthetemperaturesetfortheDHWset ifremotecontrolispresent E1 E8 Displ...

Страница 44: ...s circuit make sure it is discharged into the waste water system pursuant to re gulationEN1717 2 11 EMPTYINGTHED H W CIRCUIT Todothis alwaysclosethedomesticcoldwaterinletupstreamof theappliance Open any domestic hot water tap to discharge the pressure from thecircuit 2 12 ANTIFREEZEPROTECTION The boiler has an antifreeze function that switches the burner on automatically when the temperature falls...

Страница 45: ...e only use original Immergas spare parts when re placingcomponents If additional documentation needs to be consulted for extraordinary maintenance contact the Authorised After SalesService 3 2 INITIALCHECK Tocommissiontheboiler checktheexistenceofthedeclarationofsystemconformity Makesurethatthetypeofgasusedcorrespondstoboilersettin gs the type of gas is displayed on the data nameplate and in the r...

Страница 46: ...essureandbringingitto zero readonboilerpressuregauge theexpansionvesselloadis at1 0bar Check that the system static pressure with system cold and afterrefillingthesystembymeansofthefillingvalve isbetween 1and1 2bar Checkvisuallythatthesafetyandcontroldeviceshavenotbeen tamperedwithand orshorted inparticular temperaturesafetythermostat waterpressureswitch fluepressureswitch Checkthefunctionoftheele...

Страница 47: ...Gasmanifold 9 Burner 10 Primaryheatexchanger 11 Fan 12 Condensingheatexchanger 13 Fluepressureswitch 14 Sealedchamber 15 Flowprobe 16 Airventvalve 17 Boilerpump 18 Systemdrainingvalve 19 Systempressureswitch 20 Safetythermostat 21 Motorized3 wayvalve 22 By pass 23 3barsafetyvalve 24 Condensatedraintrap G Gassupply AC Domestichotwateroutlet AF Domestichotwaterinlet R Systemreturn M Systemflow SC Co...

Страница 48: ...sebutton S23 Heatingtemperatureincreasebutton S24 Heatingtemperaturedecreasebutton T1 Ignitiontransformer T2 BoilerP C B transformer X40 Roomthermostatjumper Y1 Gasvalve Colourcodekey Fig 38 BK Black BL Blue BR Brown G Green GY Grey Y G Yellow Green OR Orange P Viola PK Pink R Red W White Y Yellow W B White Black Comando Amico RemotoV2 the boiler is prepared for the appli cation of the Comando Ami...

Страница 49: ...ressure is within establi shedlimits Checkthattheradiatorvalvesarenotclosedandalsothefun ctionalityofthepump Siphonblocked Dirtorcombustionproductsdepositedin side Checkthattherearenoresiduesofmaterialblockingtheflowofconden sate Condensingheat exchangerclogged Siphon and or duct between condensing exchangerandsiphonclogging Checkthattherearenoresiduesofmaterialblockingtheflowofconden sate Poorpro...

Страница 50: ...version is complete and that thecalibrationhasbeensuccessful youmustmakesurethat thereisnoflameinthecombustionchamber theburnerflameisnottoohighorlowandthatitisstable does notdetachfromburner The pressure testers used for calibration should be perfectly closed and there shouldbenoleaksfromthegascircuit Maintenance operations must be carried out by an au thorised company e g Authorised Technical As...

Страница 51: present and the boiler must not be in Stand by mode Theproceduredescribedbelowallowstheparameterssetwiththe Completecalibration tobepartiallychanged Accessthevalvecalibrationfunction If parameter P15 has recently been set to 5 e g for full gas valve calibration adifferentvaluemustbesettoaccessthe Calibration correction Correctionofboilernominalheatoutputcalibration Pressbuttons and simultaneous...

Страница 52: ... phase proceed as described below Parag 2 3 pressbuttons and for5aboutsecondsuntilthe programmingmodeisaccessedonthedisplay usingbuttons and selecttheparametertobechanged indicatedinthefollowingtable adjust the corresponding value consulting the table using but tons and confirmthevaluesetbypressingthebutton forabout5 seconds 2 minutes after no button is touched will automatically cancel the operat...

Страница 53: ...lerinordertoallowthewatertoreachtheboiler Setthe timenecessarytoverifythatthewaterishotenough 00 60 00 00 Function deactivated 01 60 seconds P05 Minimum centralheating output Theboileralsohaselectronicmodulationthatadaptsthe boilerpotentialitytotheeffectiveheatingdemandofthe house Thentheboilerworksnormallyinavariablegas pressurefieldbetweentheminimumheatingoutputandthe maximumcentralheatingoutput...

Страница 54: ...tatorbytheremotecontrol ONcontinuous in winter modethepumpisalways poweredandisthereforealwaysinoperation oF on oF P15 Gasvalve calibration Allowstoperformthecalibrationofthegasvalve 5 fullcalibration differentfrom5 calibrationcorrection 00 20 00 P16 Valvecheck Attention donotchangethisparameter 00 02 02 P17 Flowoff temperature increase central heating Increasestheflowofftemperatureatignitiononlyi...

Страница 55: ...imneysweep functioninD H W opena D H W tapafterswitchingtheburneron Ensure a sufficient DHW flow in order to avoid high temperaturesofthewater Themaximumboilerpowercanbesetto0 and100 bypressing buttons or The power can be adjusted by one percentage point by pressing buttons or The display of the boiler power percentage alternates withthedisplayofthetemperaturereadbytheflowpro be 3 12 HEATINGTIMER ...

Страница 56: ...nce the casing can be completely re movedasfollows Fig 40 1 Removetheframe 1 holdingtheedgesandpullingittowards youasindicatedbythearrows 2 Pullthecasing 4 towardsyourandupatthesametimetode tachitfromtheupperhooks 3 Undo the 2 front screws 2 and the 2 lower screws 3 which fastenthecasing 4 3 2 2 4 1 3 40 ...

Страница 57: ...O 22 6 19436 HEAT D H W 2 52 1 36 138 7 1 85 3 67 374 2 22 0 18920 2 46 1 29 132 0 1 80 3 50 357 2 21 0 18060 2 35 1 19 120 9 1 72 3 23 329 0 20 0 17200 2 24 1 08 109 9 1 64 2 95 301 2 19 0 16340 2 13 0 97 99 3 1 56 2 69 274 0 18 0 15480 2 02 0 87 89 1 1 48 2 43 247 8 17 0 14620 1 91 0 78 79 5 1 40 2 19 222 9 16 0 13760 1 80 0 69 70 5 1 32 1 96 199 5 15 0 12900 1 69 0 61 62 4 1 24 1 75 178 0 14 0 ...

Страница 58: ...th0 O2atNom Min Q ppm 121 25 92 38 NOxwith0 O2atNom Min Q mg kWh 55 25 42 26 Fluetemperatureatnominaloutput C 70 69 Fluetemperatureatminimumoutput C 70 67 Maxaircombustiontemperature C 50 50 Combustionparameters measuringconditionsofusefulefficiency flowtemperature returntemperature 80 60 C ambienttempe raturereference 15 C Concentricintake exhaustavailablehead with fluegasdiaphragmØ80 Concentrici...

Страница 59: ... 2 2 Hotwaterproductionusefulheatoutput kW kcal h 22 6 19436 Domestichotwateradjustabletemperature C 30 60 Domestichotwatercircuitmin pressure dynamic bar MPa 0 3 0 03 Domestichotwatercircuitmax operatingpressure bar MPa 10 0 1 00 Flowratecapacityincontinuousduty T30 C l min 11 4 Weightoffullboiler kg 32 8 Weightofemptyboiler kg 30 8 Electricalconnection V Hz 230 50 Nominalpowerabsorption A 0 65 I...

Страница 60: ...ENG Md Model Cod Md Modelcode SrN SerialNumber CHK Check Cod PIN PINcode Type Typeofinstallation ref CENTR1749 Qnwmin MinimumDHWheatinput Qnmin Centralheatingminimumheatinput Qnwmax DHWmaximumheatinput Qnmax Centralheatingmaximumheatinput Pnmin Minimumheatoutput Pnmax Maximumheatoutput PMS Maximumsystempressure PMW Maximumdomestichotwaterpressure D Specificflowrate TM Maximumoperatingtemperature N...

Страница 61: ...η4 85 4 At30 ofnominalheatoutputinalow temperaturemode P1 7 2 kW At30 ofnominalheatoutputinalow temperaturemode η1 90 5 Auxiliaryelectricityconsumption Otheritems Atfullload elmax 0 054 kW Heatlossinstandby Pstby 0 077 kW Atpartialload elmin 0 027 kW Ignitionburnerenergyconsumption Pign 0 000 kW Instandbymode PSB 0 004 kW Emissionsofnitrogenoxides NOx 23 mg kWh Formixedcentralheatingappliances Sta...

Страница 62: bo oklet for the installer and current installation regulations For proper maintenance refer to chapter 3 of this booklet for the maintenance technician and adhere to the frequencies and methodssetoutherein Parameter value Annualenergyconsumptionforthecentral heatingmode QHE 75 9GJ Annualelectricityconsumptionforthedomestic hotwaterfunction AEC 40kWh Annualfuelconsumptionforthedomestichot water...

Страница 63: ...linginthepackageficheforroomcentralheatingsystems Caldaia e pompa di calore supplementare installata con emettitori di calore a bassa temperatura a 35 C Dalla scheda della pompa di calore a caldaia 1 Controllo della temperatura Dalla scheda di controllo della temperatura Caldaia supplementare Dalla scheda della caldaia Pompa di calore supplementare Dalla scheda della pompa di calore Contributo sol...

Страница 64: ...o solare E pompa di calore supplementare Selezionare il valore più basso Caldaia e pompa di calore supplementare installata con emettitori di calore a bassa temperatura a 35 C Dalla scheda della pompa di calore la dimensione dei prodotti rispetto alle dimensioni e alle cara insieme dell insieme Contributo solare Dalla scheda del dispositivo solare Classe I 1 Classe II 2 Classe III 1 5 Classe IV 2 ...

Страница 65: ... Più freddo 0 2 x Più caldo 0 4 x rato Contributo solare Dalla scheda del dispositivo solare 1 I 2 1 1 x I 10 x II III I Elettricità ausiliaria 3 G F E D C B A A A A 27 27 27 28 27 27 27 28 30 30 30 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 40 39 50 55 60 65 75 80 85 100 115 123 131 130 150 160 170 163 188 200 213 M L XL XXL 3 2 3 2 la dimensione dei prodotti rispetto alle dimensioni e alle cara 45 ...

Страница 66: ...rproductionsystempackagefiche ista n condizioni climatiche medie climatiche medie calde Più freddo 0 2 x Più caldo 0 4 x Contributo solare Dalla scheda del dispositivo solare 1 _____ 2 1 1 x _____ 10 x _____ ____ ______ Elettricità ausiliaria 3 G F E D C B A A A A 27 27 27 28 27 27 27 28 30 30 30 32 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 40 39 50 55 60 65 75 80 85 100 115 123 131 130 150 160 170 163 188 200 213 M L...

Страница 67: ...67 ...

Страница 68: ...ted on environmental ly friendlypaper immergas com ImmergasEuropeS r o 059051Poprad Matejovce SK Tel 421 524314311 Fax 421 524314316 UNIENISO9001 2015 CERTIFIED QUALITYSYSTEM Design manufactureandafter sales assistanceofgasboilers gas waterheatersandrelativeaccessories ...
