Minimum temperature -5°C
The boiler is equipped as standard with an antifreeze function
that starts the pump and burner when the water temperature insi-
de the boiler drops below 4°C.
In these conditions the boiler is protected against free-
zing to an ambient temperature of -5°C.
If the boiler is installed in a place where the temperature
drops below -5°C, the appliance can freeze.
To prevent the risk of freezing follow the instructions below:
The excessive use of glycol could jeopardise the proper
functioning of the appliance.
- Protect the central heating circuit from freezing by inserting a
good-quality antifreeze liquid into this circuit, which is espe-
cially suited for central heating systems and which is manu-
facturer guaranteed not to cause damage to the heat exchanger
or other components of the boiler. The antifreeze liquid must
not be harmful to one's health. The instructions of the manu-
facturer of this liquid must be followed scrupulously regarding
the percentage necessary with respect to the minimum tempe-
rature at which the system must be kept.
- The materials used for the central heating circuit of Immergas
boilers resist ethylene and propylene glycol based antifreeze li-
quids (if the mixtures are prepared perfectly).
- An aqueous solution must be made with potential pollution
class of water 2 (EN 1717:2002 or local standards in force).
For life and possible disposal, follow the
supplier's instructions.
Minimum temperature -15°C
- Protect the domestic hot water circuit against freezing by using
an accessory that is supplied on request (antifreeze kit) compri-
sing two electric heating elements, the relevant wiring and a
control thermostat (carefully read the installation instructions
contained in the accessory kit pack).
In these conditions the boiler is protected against free-
zing to temperature of -15°C.
Boiler antifreeze protection is thus ensured only if:
- the boiler is correctly connected to gas and electricity power
supply circuits;
- the boiler is constantly powered;
- the boiler is not in “off” mode;
- the boiler is not in anomaly conditions (Par. 2.5);
- the essential components of the boiler are not faulty.
The warranty does not cover damage due to interruption of the
electrical power supply and failure to comply with that stated on
the previous page.
If the boiler is installed in places where the temperature
falls below 0°C the domestic hot water and central hea-
ting attachment pipes and the condensate drain pipe
must be insulated.
The freezing protection systems described in this chap-
ter are installed only for the protection of the boiler. The
presence of these functions and devices does not exclude
the possibility of parts of the system or domestic hot wa-
ter circuit outside the boiler from freezing.