Technical documentation
Technical documentation
STESP ed 02/02
Central-heating sensor
This is a resistance that varies in a way inversely proportionate to the
temperature of the water flow in the primary circuit.
It is used as a limit thermostat (90 ºC).
Sensor NTC
10 kohm 25 ºC
D.h.w. sensor
This is a resistance that varies in a way inversely proportionate to the
temperature of the water contained in the external storage tank.
Sensor NTC
10 kohm 25 ºC
External sensor (NE)
(external optional)
This is a resistance that varies proportionately to the outside
It enables the modulation board to change the system flow temperatures
in accordance with the outside temperature.
Sensor PTC
1 kohm 25 ºC
Flame detection
This is a signal from the ignition card indicating the flame has been detected.
It enables the board to increase power to the modulation coil after restricting this during the
ignition phase.
Flame lock
This is a signal from the control unit (IGN. CARD) that indicates
burner ignition failure.
The alarm is displayed with an error code on the display board display
panel (E01) or, if fitted, on the remote control
(see CAR operation.).
230 Vac = flame
0 Vac = stand-by
/ burner ON
Flue pressure switch (SV)
This enables burner ignition by powering the relay “RT” when flue
extraction occurs correctly.
If the "NO" contact is closed with fan off will fail to enable the start of
the ignition cycle.
2-position switch
Main switch
Indicates whether d.h.w. operation mode (SUMMER) or d.h.w. and
central-heating mode (WINTER) are enabled.
open = SUMMER
Overheating lock
This is a signal which, through an optoinsulator, indicates input to the
main coils of gas valve (V/G).
This permits the board to pinpoint and indicate with an error code
(E02) any operation of the safety overheat. thermostat (TS).
230 Vac = coils
0 Vac = coils not
Pump pressure switch
In case of locked pump or low pressure in the primary circuit, this does
not enable burner ignition and interrupts power to relays “RT” and
Remote control (CAR)
external optional)
(see CAR operation)
This sends SUM/WINT switch signals to the board relating to d.h.w. and central-heating
temperature adjustment and central heating request
(time ,room temperature).
When the CAR is fitted, the room thermostat must be disconnected without restoring the
pre-existing bridge P1.
Reset button
When this is pressed, the circuit is released after the overheating and
no-ignition safety device has tripped (100 ºC).
If this is kept pressed during operation, the gas pressure is maintained
at slow ignition level.
If this is kept pressed for at least 10 seconds in the absence of any
requests, when it is released the "chimneysweep" function is engaged.
Room thermostat (TA)
(external optional)
This is a clean-contact switch that enables operation in central-heating
phase, when the room temperature is below that requested.
open = heating OFF
closed = heating ON
Zone control unit (CZ)
This sends signals to the board relating to operation requests for any connected zone valves
/ external pumps
(see control zone unit operation).