Infocaster™ DS600
Chapter 2
Hardware Manual
© 2014 Imagine Communications.
Proprietary and Confidential.
6/19/2014 | Page 21
Right-click My Computer and choose Manage from the right-click menu. The Computer
Management window opens.
Select Device Manager in the left pane. A list of devices appears in the right pane.
In the right pane, look inside the Sound, Video, and Game Controllers category. There are four
NVIDIA High Definition Audio devices and one Realtek High Definition Audio device in the list. The
NVIDIA devices are enabled, and the Realtek device is disabled.
Figure 12:
Computer Management Window
Right-click the first NVIDIA High Definition Audio device and choose Disable from the right-click
menu. Click the Yes button if you are asked to confirm your choice.
Disable the other three NVIDIA High Definition Audio devices in the same way.
Right-click the Realtek Hi Definition Audio device and choose Enable from the right-click menu.
Reboot your system. Audio is now routed through the Headphone port.
Enable HDMI Audio Output
Follow these steps to enable HDMI audio output if you have previously disabled it.
Open the START menu.
Right-click My Computer and choose Manage from the right-click menu. The Computer
Management window opens.
Select Device Manager in the left pane. A list of devices appears in the right pane.
In the right pane, look inside the Sound, Video, and Game Controllers category. There are four
NVIDIA High Definition Audio devices and one Realtek High Definition Audio device in the list. The
NVIDIA devices are disabled, and the Realtek device is enabled.
Figure 13:
Sound, Video, and Game Controllers Category