The California Air Resources Board, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and ILM-
OR Marine, LLC are pleased to explain the emission control system warranty on your
2011 sterndrive/inboard engine. In the United States, new sterndrive/inboard engines
must be designed, built and equipped to meet all Federally mandated anti-smog standards.
ILMOR Marine, LLC must warrant the emission control system on your sterndrive/in-
board engine for the periods of time listed below provided there has been no abuse, ne-
glect or improper maintenance of your sterndrive/inboard engine.
Your emission control system may include parts such as the fuel injection system, the
ignition system, and catalytic converter. Also included may be hoses, belts, connectors
and other emission-related assemblies.
Where a warrantable condition exists, ILMOR Marine, LLC will repair your stern-
drive/inboard engine at no cost to you, including diagnosis, parts and labor.
Select emission control parts from model year 2009 and later sterndrive/inboard
engines are warranted for 3 years or 480 hours, whichever first occurs.
However, warranty coverage based on the hourly period is only permitted for engines
that are equipped with hour meters as defined in § 2441(a)(13) or their equivalent. If any
emission-related part on your engine is defective under warranty, the part will be repaired
or replaced by ILMOR Marine, LLC.
A repair shop of the owner’s choosing may maintain, replace, or repair non-warranty
emission control devices and systems.
- As the sterndrive/inboard engine owner, you are responsible for the performance
of the required maintenance listed in your owner’s manual. ILMOR Marine, LLC rec-
ommends that you retain all receipts covering maintenance on your sterndrive/inboard
engine, but ILMOR Marine, LLC cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or
your failure to ensure the performance of all scheduled maintenance.
- As the sterndrive/inboard engine owner, you should however be aware that ILMOR
Marine, LLC may deny you warranty coverage if your sterndrive/inboard engine or a part
has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance or unapproved modifications.
- You are responsible for presenting your sterndrive/inboard engine to an ILMOR
Marine, LLC authorized service center as soon as a problem exists. The warranty repairs
will be completed in a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed 30 days.
If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities, you
should contact ILMOR Marine, LLC at 1-704-360-1900.
ILMOR Marine, LLC must warrant that the engine is:
(1) Designed, built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations
adopted by the Air Resources Board pursuant to its authority in Chapters 1 and 2, Part
5, Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code, and by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency pursuant to 40 CFR 1045; and
(2) Free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a war-
ranted part to be identical in all material respects to that part as described in the engine
manufacturer’s application for certification.
California and U.S. EPA
Emission Control War-
ranty Statement
Your Warranty Rights
and Obligations
Warranty Coverage
Owner’s Warranty
General Emissions
Warranty Coverage
2011 ILMOR MV8 Owner’s Manual • Page 44