Each boat equipped
with an ILMOR MV8 engine will have a hang tag with
the Four Star box check-marked. It is the responsibility of the selling dealer to include the
hang tag, and it must be marked in the correct box to match the Four Star label on the en-
gine and the boat. The dealer must display the hang tag in a visible location on the boat prior
to displaying the boat for sale in California. If only the engine is displayed, a hang tag must
still be placed in a visible location on the engine. Failure to correctly display the hang tag
may result in a citation and possible fine to the dealer. These are issued by the California Air
Resources Board.
All ILMOR MV8 engines
are equipped with marine on-board diagnos-
tics to comply with the 2009 California-mandated OBD-M diagnostic specification. The
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) or a Check Engine warning will appear on the dash
when emission system problems occur on the boat.
If the MIL is set due to an emissions-related fault, a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC)
will set. The MIL functions to notify the operator that a problem has occurred so that
the owner/operator can arrange for service as soon as possible, and also to display
DTCs that have been stored. This information about system malfunction assists the ser-
vice technician in quickly diagnosing system issues. When the MIL lights, the owner/
operator should contact an authorized ILMOR deal to arrange a diagnostic scan at the
earliest possible opportunity.
DTCs are stored in the engine control unit memory and can be retrieved with an
ILMOR Marine version scan tool or through Diacom PC Software. That is why it is
necessary to seek assistance from the appropriate dealer.
The Diagnostic Scan Tool will be connected to the Data Link Connector (DLC); a flat
6-pin connector. The connector is located on the port forward section of the intake mani-
fold and is usually marked with either DLC or Data Link Connector just behind the plug.
Note that the protective DLC cover must be removed prior to connecting the Scan Tool.
2011 ILMOR MV8 Owner’s Manual • Page 43