Whenever an MV8 engine is operated within the confines of an engine compartment,
it is extremely important to follow the boat manufacturer’s instructions regarding venting
of the engine compartment prior to or during low-speed/idle operation. Exhaust fumes
may build up inside the engine box, which can, and has, resulted in explosions.
One of the most critical safety matters affecting boaters is the matter of carbon mon-
oxide emission. This is a colorless, odorless and poisonous gas that accumulates rapidly,
both within confined areas and even within the open air. Exposure to carbon monoxide
can be fatal within minutes, even in low concentrations. Avoid exhaust vent areas of the
boat, particularly during slow-speed operation.
Care must be taken to avoid exposure to carbon monoxide, even in small concentra-
tion. Avoid exhaust areas and the engine compartment during the venting of engine
exhaust. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless and poisonous, and can cause seri-
ous injury or death in short periods of time!
All persons on-board must exhibit special care and concern whenever the engine is
running and the engine compartment is open. Everyone should avoid all moving parts. If
the engine or anything accessible from the engine compartment requires adjustment while
the engine is running, the adjustment should be done by an authorized ILMOR dealer or
authorized boat manufacturer dealer if at all possible. If adjustments are necessary while
the boat is underway or in preparation for boating, extreme care should be used.
The engine compartment serves as a machinery guard. The engine must be OFF
whenever the compartment is opened, except as directed by the boat manufacturer
to vent exhaust fumes or during maintenance. Use extreme care whenever operat-
ing the engine with the compartment open. Clothing or body parts can get caught in
moving parts, which could result in serious injury or death. Keep away from rotating
parts. Never attempt to stop or slow rotating parts.
It is the owner’s and/or operator’s responsibility to perform all safety checks to the
engine(s) prior to, during and after operating the boat. When properly adhered to, the main-
tenance schedules listed in this Owner’s Manual will ensure long-term operation and perfor-
mance of the engine. When service and maintenance are required, return the boat to an autho-
rized ILMOR dealer. Failure to follow procedures outlined in this Owner’s Manual or through
published technical information at www.imormarine.com may void the warranty.
The precautions listed in this Owner’s Manual, as well as published technical infor-
mation are not all-inclusive. Any replacement part, fluid or substance that is not specified
as recommended should not be used as it may result in engine failure. This could lead to
voiding the warranty, as well as placing people in an unsafe situation.
Use only genuine ILMOR Marine, LLC, replacement parts intended for the MV8 en-
gine. Many of the electrical and ignition components have been designed to comply
with U. S. Coast Guard regulations intended to minimize the possibility of fire and/or
explosion. The use of non-approved replacement parts from aftermarket or other
sources could result in fire and/or explosion. This is not covered under warranty.
Direct Safety Concerns
2011 ILMOR MV8 Owner’s Manual • Page 2